Drakonite Material in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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I vividly recall my first encounter with Drakonite. It was a reckless endeavor, fueled by youthful bravado and a naive belief that we could amass wealth effortlessly. Talon Island, an aptly named and treacherous place, was our destination. A desolate, arid land teeming with craggy terrain and swarms of drakes. Now, let me clarify, a drake may not possess the size, intelligence, or power of a dragon, but even the smallest of them rival bears in stature. They possess the ability to fly and unleash devastating breath attacks, ranging from fire and ice to poisonous gas. Talon Island is the exclusive domain of these creatures, or so the sages claim. They emerge to engage in territorial displays, courtship rituals, and other activities befitting their desire to find a suitable partner.   We convinced ourselves that we had it all figured out. Equipped with climbing gear, crossbows, spears, and even scent blocker soap obtained from a certified alchemist of a renowned crafting guild, we commandeered a boat, believing we would outmaneuver other Drakonite hunters. We sailed to one of the rugged, desolate cliffs that peppered Talon Island, deeming it an ideal location to commence our ascent.   As we made our way up, the stones were encrusted with Drake Guano—a promising sign. Overhead, the cacophony of roars and hisses reverberated as drakes engaged in their primal displays. Stealthily and with utmost care, we ascended to the cliff's summit, convinced that we were seasoned experts who outclassed the seasoned Drakonite hunters of old.   The sight that unfolded behind us nearly overwhelmed us with boundless excitement. The ground was adorned with an abundance of Drakonite Gems. Embedded within the rocks, they shimmered with a mesmerizing spectrum of iridescent hues. Greed threatened to blind us to the presence of a female drake, observing her prospective suitors' aerial acrobatics above us. She was a formidable creature, boasting scales of powder blue and eyes of aquamarine. Those eyes felt like twin jewels that harbored a primordial fear, beyond the realm of my comprehension. As she caught sight of me, I realized I appeared less a man and more akin to a rat ensnared by the gaze of a hawk.   For a fleeting moment, I hoped she hadn't truly noticed us or that she wouldn't perceive us as a threat. Alas, our hopes were dashed as she emitted a resounding call, drawing the attention of the males soaring overhead. We hastily grasped handfuls of Drakonite, cramming the glistening gems into our pockets, as greed obliterated our sound judgment.   The female drake inhaled sharply, and in an instant, we found ourselves engulfed in an impenetrable fog. Disoriented and stumbling, we shouted to locate one another amidst the confusion, endeavoring not to trip on the climbing ropes that bound us. Suddenly, a massive figure swooped close, wrenching me from the ground. My companion, Tomin, unleashed a piercing scream, and I felt the tautness of the rope connecting us before it abruptly slackened. Desperately, I managed to retrieve my knife, but my body was dragged across the unforgiving terrain as I severed the rope. Tomin's anguished cries echoed through the air as he was seized by something in the fog. Travis and I scrambled, desperate to reach the cliff's edge and flee this nightmarish encounter. I heard the sickening thud of Tomin's lifeless body colliding with the cliff, having plummeted from an immense height.   In the midst of chaos, Travis fired his crossbow, though I suspect his shot missed or merely bounced off the drake's resilient scales. I attempted to crawl to safety, only for the rope to go taut once more. Through the dissipating fog, I discerned a massive, winged creature with a clawed foot entangled in the rope. Emitting a deep, reptilian bellow that exacerbated my sense of helplessness, it toyed with me, akin to a cat tormenting its prey. It allowed me to writhe in its clutches, snapping its jaws near me, relishing the game.   Travis, to my utter astonishment, sacrificed his life so I could escape. He tore open the clasps of his harness and thrust his spear toward the gargantuan, stone-gray male drake. He shrieked and thrashed, diverting their attention from me. Without squandering the precious time he afforded me, I clambered down the cliffs toward my boat, the sounds of the drakes converging on Travis as they prepared to take turns toying with their doomed victim.   The pocketful of Drakonite I managed to salvage provided a substantial sum, enabling Tomin's and Travis's families to live comfortably. It was the least I could do, considering it was my foolish idea that lured us into pursuing quick riches on that accursed island. As for me, I invested in superior equipment and sought apprenticeships with seasoned hunters to learn from their wisdom. I even spent a few years training under a dragon slayer.   I implore you to heed my words as I deliver this cautionary tale—do not embark upon a Drakonite hunt unless you are thoroughly prepared, truly prepared! For every gold coin you gain from harvesting that accursed stone, a drop of someone's blood must be paid. Those drakes are not mere mindless beasts; they possess the cunning of men and an unfathomable malevolence! Do not be a fool and steer clear of Talon Island! -Alexos Morris Drakonite Hunter, adventurer and drake slayer  
(Art by Midjourny)


Material Characteristics

Drakonite is a vibrent blue-green exhibits a breathtaking iridescent color, captivating the eyes with gradients of yellow, green, and blue. Occasionally, it even displays hints of red and orange hues, adding a mesmerizing touch to its overall appearance. When bathed in light, Drakonite's hues shimmer and gleam, creating a truly enchanting spectacle. With a hardness comparable to feldspar and being fairly easy to work with it is often cut and shapped into various peices of artwork.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mundane Properties   -Hardness: Drakonite is characterized by a certain level of hardness, which determines its resistance to scratching and abrasion. The exact hardness of Drakonite may vary, but it generally falls within a range suitable for use in jewelry and ornamental objects.   -Color and Iridescence: Drakonite showcases a stunning blue-green hue, often with gradients of yellow, green, blue, and occasionally red and orange. The gem exhibits iridescence, meaning it displays a play of colors that shift and change as the gem is viewed from different angles or under varying lighting conditions. This property adds to its visual appeal and enchanting quality.   -Luster: Drakonite exhibits a pleasing luster, which refers to the way the gem's surface reflects light. The specific luster of Drakonite may vary depending on the cut and polishing techniques employed, but it generally possesses a desirable shine that enhances its overall beauty.   -Transparency: Drakonite can exhibit varying degrees of transparency, ranging from opaque to translucent. This property influences the gem's ability to transmit and diffuse light, contributing to its visual effects and brilliance.   -Refractive Index: The refractive index of Drakonite, similar to Moolooite, determines how light bends as it enters and exits the gemstone. This property affects the gem's brilliance and the way it interacts with light, giving it a distinctive sparkle and allure.   -Durability: Drakonite, like many gemstones, exhibits good durability, enabling it to withstand everyday wear and tear. However, as with any precious gem, it should still be treated with care to avoid potential damage.
  Magical Properties   -Residual Magical Charge: Drakonite naturally retains a subtle charge of magical energy. This unique characteristic makes it particularly well-suited for crafting magically infused items. When used as a material in the creation of magical artifacts, the residual magical charge of Drakonite facilitates the enchantment process, allowing for a more seamless infusion of magical energies.   -Magical Pigments: Powdered Drakonite is a highly sought-after ingredient in the creation of magical paints and dyes. Arcane artists and craftsmen widely consider Drakonite-based paints and dyes to be the finest in the world for their artistic endeavors. The inclusion of Drakonite pigments lends an enchanting and vibrant quality to the artwork, imbuing it with a touch of mystical energy and enhancing its magical properties.


Magical Paint, a compound utilizing the unique properties of Drakonite, is a versatile and potent medium employed in various applications within the realm of magic: The applications of Magical Paint, infused with Drakonite, span from immersive illusionary experiences to providing guardianship, trapping intruders, and creating personalized realms. The versatility and potency of this compound make it highly coveted among artists, enchanters, and those with a penchant for combining artistry and magic

Geology & Geography

The unique combination of geological and biological factors required for the formation of Drakonite occurs exclusively within the Broken Isles, with Talon Island being the specific location where these events transpire. It is on this remote island that the intricate interplay between drake guano and weathering copper sulfides takes place, leading to the creation of Drakonite.   Talon Island, situated within the Broken Isles, serves as a breeding ground for various species of drakes. The interaction of their guano, rich in unique organic compounds, with the weathering copper sulfides found in the island's geological formations creates the ideal conditions for Drakonite formation. The specific combination of mineral composition, microbial activity, and environmental factors found on Talon Island contributes to the rare occurrence of this remarkable gemstone.   This exclusivity and the complex set of circumstances required for Drakonite formation contribute to its scarcity and prestige. The limited availability of Drakonite from Talon Island further enhances its value in the market and heightens the desirability of objects crafted from this extraordinary gem.

Origin & Source

The origin of Drakonite, being an admixture of Drake Guano and weathering copper sulfides, often comes as a surprise to those who discover this fact. Its exquisite, lustrous appearance and magical properties stand in stark contrast to its humble beginnings as a combination of drake manure and mineral compounds.   Upon learning this truth, some individuals may initially balk at the notion that such a precious and beautiful gem could essentially be derived from animal waste. It is not uncommon for people to fabricate fanciful tales or spin elaborate myths to distance the gem from its less glamorous origins. Noble individuals, in particular, may indulge in such narratives, preferring to perpetuate outlandish stories that involve fossils of dragon eyes or other fantastical explanations rather than admitting that the expensive gem they showcase is essentially an expensive lump of excrement.

History & Usage


The discovery of Drakonite occurred approximately 200 years ago when explorers ventured to Talon Island. Fortunately for them, their arrival did not coincide with the mating season, which meant that the island was relatively safer and less populated by drakes actively seeking mates.   For the next fifty years following the initial discovery, the true origins of Drakonite remained a mystery. It was only through an extensive and dedicated geological survey that the remarkable nature of this gemstone was unveiled.   Opinions regarding Drakonite vary widely among different individuals. Some consider the gem to be truly impressive, marveling at the extraordinary transformation of animal waste into a beautiful and valuable stone. They appreciate the unique qualities and magical properties that Drakonite possesses, recognizing it as a wonder of nature.   On the other hand, there are those who turn their noses up at Drakonite, unwilling to accept the idea that something as mundane as animal waste can be transformed into such an exquisite gem. These individuals may be dismissive of Drakonite's beauty and significance, unable or unwilling to see beyond its humble origins.


The discovery of Drakonite on Talon Island was a fortuitous accident that occurred when the merchant ship The Smiling Jack was unexpectedly knocked off course and found itself offshore of the craggy island. The ship's Captain, Tessa Armandine, known for her adventurous spirit and curiosity, seized the opportunity to explore the unknown. She organized a small away team and embarked on a treacherous climb up the cliffs of Talon Island.   In Captain Armandine's log, she vividly describes her initial impressions of the island. She was immediately captivated by the sight that greeted them—an island adorned with lumps of precious stones glistening and shimmering in the light. The sheer abundance and brilliance of the rocks gave the impression that the gods had scattered a plethora of glittering gemstones across the island, as if sprinkling them from a great salt shaker.   However, amidst the awe-inspiring beauty, Captain Armandine keenly observed the presence of nests, claw marks, and other indications that a large, presumably draconic creature called this island home. The signs of these scaled monsters further fueled her determination not to overstay their welcome. Recognizing the potential danger, she resolved to collect as many gems as possible, marking the island's shape resembling a curving eagle's talon on their maps. She expressed her desire to leave before the creatures that carved those nests returned to roost, ensuring the safety of her crew.

Everyday use

The primary and most common use of Drakonite lies in the realm of crafting jewelry and artwork. However, the inherent danger and difficulty involved in acquiring Drakonite contribute to its status as a rare luxury stone. The price of Drakonite often becomes a point of pride and boasting among the wealthy elite.   From a practical standpoint, Drakonite possesses an advantage in terms of enchantment. It is easier to enchant than many other gemstones, making it a preferred choice for mages when crafting magical amulets, rings, and other enchanted items that incorporate gemstones. The unique properties of Drakonite lend themselves well to magical applications, enhancing the potency and effectiveness of the enchanted objects.   Although Drakonite is also valued as a component in magical paints and, to a lesser extent, dyes, the cost of Drakonite-based paint or dye tends to be high. This is primarily due to the additional ingredients required to blend with Drakonite to create vivid and lustrous paint colors. The unique qualities of Drakonite-based paints and dyes facilitate easier magical crafting, particularly in the creation of enchanted paintings or the production of valuable enchanted clothing.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Drakonite has indeed become a symbol of wealth and opulence among the nobles of the Broken Isles. Owning Drakonite jewelry has become a conspicuous display of one's ability to spend exorbitant amounts of money on what could be seen as polished waste material. For some the irony of owning a gemstone formed from animal waste only adds to its allure among the nobility who enjoy flaunting their wealth and extravagance.   However, in contrast to the nobles' perspective, among painters and clothing makers, Drakonite is highly sought after and holds significant value. Many artisans and craftsmen are willing to pay substantial sums to Drakonite hunters in order to obtain even a small handful of these precious stones. Drakonite's unique properties and its ease of enchantment make it a prized material for creating exquisite paintings and enchanting clothing, elevating the value of items adorned with this captivating gem.   As the demand for Drakonite grows, the pursuit of acquiring these gems has become a dangerous and lucrative occupation. Small ports have emerged throughout the nearby islands, specifically catering to the Drakonite rush. These roughshod port towns are characterized by rampant greed, a swarm of eager hunters, and an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. The competition for Drakonite has escalated, leading to conflicts among hunters and resulting in an environment where law and order are often lacking.   The allure of wealth and the pursuit of Drakonite has transformed these ports into hubs of chaos and opportunity, where the dangerous occupation of Drakonite hunting takes center stage. It is an environment where fortunes can be made or lost, and the pursuit of this precious gemstone fuels the intensity and volatility of daily life in these lawless settlements.


Drakonite needs only be polished, tumbled, cut and worked like any other gem of a hardness suitable for jewelry craft.


Drakonite is in of itself utterly harmless, its magical residue no more dangerous then the background magical radiation that enrichs our world.   The true danger lies in the process of acquiring Drakonite. The pursuit of this precious gemstone involves facing numerous perils, both from the treacherous environment of Talon Island and the territorial and potentially aggressive drakes that call the island home. The cliffs, the unpredictable behavior of the drakes, and the general hazards of the hunt pose significant risks to the lives and well-being of those engaged in Drakonite collection.   While successful Drakonite hunts do occur, it is important to acknowledge that many other attempts have ended tragically, resulting in loss of life and severe injuries. The dangerous nature of the occupation contributes to the rarity and high value of Drakonite, as well as the lawlessness and violence that can be observed in the ports and towns that cater to the Drakonite rush.
1000 Gold coins for a typical sample the size of a standard market sized ruby or sapphire
Common State

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