Carnival of death Tradition / Ritual in Swords, Magic and Lies | World Anvil
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Carnival of death

The Carnival of Death is a celebration of the dead and their goddess happening once a decade, being held in the first week of the month of dying. The normally nomadic priests of Vayra are coming together beforehand, planning the Carnival, and making sure it's the greatest celebration in the dwarven calendar. The dwarves say their farewells and goodbyes to the dead of the last ten years while the priests create giant ghosts, skulls and skeletons dancing, singing and finally fading in the moonlight. It symbolizes the crossing of passed souls into the afterlife, something most dwarves believe in. It is said, that souls with no one praying and singing for them during the carnival can't go further and must stay between worlds. While the dwarves mourn, it's also a time of happiness and laughter, because death is a normal part of life.

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