The Far-Off Isle Geographic Location in Talthei | World Anvil

The Far-Off Isle

"Lots have looked there, even your grandma, but there's nothing there--nothing but rough sailing, poor soil, and wretched luck that infects everyone who steps foot upon it. A wishing pool? Surely someone would have found it by now."
  The Far-Off Isle (also known derisively as "The Heart of Talthei") is a medium-sized island in the south of Talthei, to the southwest of Milgram, known for its magic-blocking phenomena and legend of a wishing pool.   Lacking a permanent settlement, the island often has visitors of adventurers and scholars, all seeking to unravel the strange atmosphere of the place. This mysterious atmosphere is not helped by the corpses of nearby ships who failed to make it past the treacherous waves.

Localized Phenomena

The Far-Off Isle has a strange phenomena where magic spells and items are weakened, often to the point of failure. Teleportation to the island also fails, redirecting any magical travel to locations on the island towards a random spot in Talthei. This has somehow added to the legend of the island, bringing not only those seeking a fabled wishing pool, but also a variety of magicians and mercenaries sure they can solve the puzzle and break the magic-blunting effects.   Thus far, all have failed.

Fauna & Flora

Due to isolation from other areas of Talthei, several varieties of plants and animals not seen anywhere else in the world make their home on the isle.


Despite being largely considered deserted, would-be treasure seekers frequently make land on the island seeking a fabled wishing pool, a pathway to entreat a spirit to grant a boon. While no permanent settlements exist, marks of previous camps are not hard to find, from fire circles to abandoned magic tools to the occasional disintegrating tent or lean-to


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