Nornskarn, also called Azarmardian (aelf name), Limorspar (hulder name), or Pink Berrecite (classification name by the University of Althuchburg) is the only known mineral that can be induced to store magic within it. Known for several thousand years to have had this special property, it has become much more highly significant since the The Fracture and the increase need for magical effects.
Material Characteristics
The stone is dark grey to black, with varying degrees of light bright pink to deep purple coloured veining through it.
Physical & Chemical Properties
Nornskarn has a comparable hardness to feldspar, and has a notable resistance to effects of acid erosion. Its two most notable properties are the ability to act as a magical storage matrix, and that the veins within the mineral seem to reflect and magnify any light source.
Geology & Geography
Nornskarn is mainly found deep underground or within the depths of mountainside, particularly in area of both current and past volcanic activity. The Titan's Back mountains and Karag-Finnhave notable high quality deposits within them,
History & Usage
Cultural Significance and Usage
Only existing magic users can use the storage ability of Nornskarn; the stone becomes a focus as they cast a spell and channel their energies into the mineral. However once stored within the crystal veins, anyone who can speak the correct somatic components can release the spell. A great deal of concentration and willpower is required to do this, so wizards, mages and the like are still the most likely to use it, however as anyone can use a Nornskarn shard, many are created with the express purpose of storing one use emergency spells. The cost of these still puts them outside the affordability of the common folk, but for general on the battlefield or an adventurer underground these shards can be invaluble.
Nornskarn is considered to be an uncommon mineral, but the rarity increases with the quality of the vein's ability to store stronger magics.
Grey/Black with pink/purple veining
Common State
Solid; raw state