Wax-Wheel International Organization in Supes, Suits and Boots | World Anvil

Wax-Wheel International

Wax-Wheel International is a conglomerate, built on shell companies and actual companies weaved together in a dubious web of untraceable organizations. They, at least according to their lawyers, are constantly plagued with bad actors or corporate spies purposely making them look guilty. They have so many fingers in so many pies that they have connections all across the globe and intimidatingly deep pockets. So when it comes to getting out of troublesome inquiries, their top of the line legal department and some bribes are all it takes for them wave goodbye to accountability.

  They're main assets are in the oil, technology, and surprisingly fast food. To be specific the Moria Oil Company, L7 Technologies and Dare's Diner, the first Scottish fusion cuisine in America. Their resources may seem innumerable, but when they want something and they can't reproduce it, it still mysteriously finds its way to them. Usually in the hands of the many people they employ in their Asset Retention department.
Founding Date
Corporation, Conglomerate