Nexvision Organization in Supes, Suits and Boots | World Anvil


Nexvision became a major player in the 1970's with its founders heavily adopting computing systems and adapting them to their research as much as possible. They jumped ahead of their peers, and had a solid grasp on government contracts when it came to military applications. Then suddenly their work didn't seem up to par anymore in the late 90's. Forcing the government to go another way.

  This was a ruse played by the company to get free from the wandering eye of government inspections, allowing them to work on their more experimental designs. Another benefit of freedom was getting a much better price from whomever wanted their work. They deal heavily in technology, but have also crossed over into medical research as well. Their main rival is Wax-Wheel International, who not only tries poaching their talent but their work. They have responded with their own special group of employees who protect and secure valuable research assets.
Founding Date
Consortium, Research
Notable Members