Nazeem & Yager NanoMed Solutions Organization in Supes, Suits and Boots | World Anvil

Nazeem & Yager NanoMed Solutions

Nazeem Nanotech Solutions and the Yager Medical Group were both companies working in medicine to cure certain ailments. Through sheer luck they both came up to a potential breakthrough on elephantiasis. With a perfect subject right in their backyard to test the treatment on. After both companies tried to convince the patients parents to only let their treatment be allowed, the parents decided both would be used. This led to the birth of both the hero Mija Thunder, and the N.Y.N corporation.

  Ever since Mija Thunder they've had plenty of people coming to them to either fix their disabilities, or give them superpowers. It doesn't matter which one because either they get to help people in the end, or create a new hero to generate the funding they can use for further medical research. Mija Thunder has proved to be a valuable advertisement for them, though their micromanaging of her superhero career has led to an unfortunate rift between the two.
Founding Date
Corporation, Medical
Alternative Names