Bronze Burner Character in Supes, Suits and Boots | World Anvil

Bronze Burner

Augusto Mondlane

  • Classification: Supe
  • Alignment: Hero
  • Origin: A natural born supe, he came into his powers in his later years when he became an electrician.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Super Speed - He can run at superhuman speed as long as he in contact with brass material.
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Bronze Power - As long as he in physical contact with bronze, his body can move at super human speeds.

Specialized Equipment

  • Speed Suit - He wears a brown suit, to blend in with the dust clouds he creates when running. He also has bronze in his gloves and the soles on his feet to keep him running. He also has detachable bronze plates on his armor if he somehow loses his gloves and shoes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Both of Augusto's parents came from well off families, so he was raised away from the poorer parts of town. He had a good education, spoke multiple languages and he had a good heart. So when he started wondering why he had never seen either of his parents work a day in their lives, he wondered how they had so much money. It was never talked about, whenever they wanted to go somewhere or do something they just did it. So more out of curiosity than anything, he decided to find out.

  He looked up businesses and corporations to seem if his parents were stockholders. He checked to see if his family owned any businesses, or charities or real estate. Nothing, he had found nothing until his father was checking his bank account and went to the bathroom without taking his phone. Augusto checked and besides a ton of purchases it was only a few deposits, obscenely large deposits. So he wrote down the name of depositing company, and went from there.

  It took a lot of untangling but he found his parents had been receiving large donations from multiple brutal dictators for years. But there was no explanation that he found, just money. He thought his parents were good people, but this shook him. He wanted all the facts but couldn't find them without revealing how he found out. He angrily left the only home he ever knew to find out the truth. In the meantime he became an electrician, during this time he'd discover his powers of super speed.

  Augusto knew this was the break he needed. He would use his speed to find out everything he needed to know about his parents connection to dictators. He easily found out that his parents were kingmakers, in fact most of his family was involved in it. He was supposed to join them as well, but they felt he wasn't ready. His image of this warm loving family dissipated in front of him, and couldn't go back. He'd use his powers to help rebuild the lives his parents helped ruin by enabling fascism.
Date of Birth
March 27th
Year of Birth
1995 25 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs