Aetherling Summer Festival Tradition / Ritual in Superverse | World Anvil
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Aetherling Summer Festival

A tradition which has begun only very recently, the Aetherling Summer Festival is a celebration of all Imbued and Mutants. Celebrated both publicly and in private, the Festival's goals are for all Imbued to embrace their powers, and to explore their use in art and self-expression. As a side-effect, it also shows Mundane a non-violent aspect of Imbued, how their abilities are not by necessity a threat, but a part of who they are, a beautiful part of the world.


The Festival begun only a few years back, originating in Verdant Grove, where the population of (non-hiding) Imbued is higher than most other cities. It has rapidly grown, and now has many participants, including many of the cities vigilantes and superheroes... and several villains. In Verdant Grove, it's one of the few events where both heroes and villains show up without fighting.

Of course, Verdant Grove is not the only place to celebrate the Festival. Other cities with superheroes and vigilantes have followed suit, including Rainsburg, with The Unbroken playing a large role in local celebrations.


The format changes as the Festival develops--and based on location--but generally includes space for people to publicly display their powers in an artistic manner. In bigger variations, there are generally several stages available for the public to sign up to, and sometimes one or two more with organized shows. Additionally, people are encouraged to try things at home as well, if they don't want (or can't) take their powers into public.   A lot of Imbued participating in the Festival do so while wearing masks. Not only the standard heroes, vigilantes, and villains, but also members of the public. As public opinion regarding Imbued changes more and more people show their faces, but many still decline. Still, this is an accepted and normalized part of the Festival, and no one judges those who chose to wear a mask, or those who don't.


Direct participants are Imbued of any kinds, including Mutants, whose powers form the base of the celebrations. Mundane are encouraged to attend the Festival, however, so they can see powers being used outside of the all-too-common hero-villain struggles.


The Festival typically takes place in August, but no set date exists for it. Different locations may also celebrate it at different moments.
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