Double January: Day 6 - Despair in Superheroes Assorted | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Double January: Day 6 - Despair

(See Author's Note: Double January for background information)  

January 6th - Take 1

  I took a break from planning, because everything was going well, and despite a few minor items disappearing, all my equipment was in order. I had my storage containers prepared, including the temporary vessels to transport the samples, I knew which equipment I was looking to steal, and I had my entrance in the form of a doctored ID badge. All that remained was gaining a map of the place, learning patrol schedules (barely an inconvenience with my particular skill set), and figuring out my exit strategy.   In short, I was as far from despair at that point as I could be.  

January 6th - Take 2

  In true literary poetic fashion, this was the low point of my whole experience. Looking at myself in the past, seeing how wrongly confident I was in my ability to see this through, it was frustrating when I was on the run from myself, the police, and a bunch of scientists who weren't smart enough to figure out that eight year olds did not randomly appear in labs.   Fortunately, despair in those days meant something less catastrophic than it does now, so I recovered quickly. Clearly the teleporter wasn't going to work, so since I'd discarded that option I had so many different things I could do. I had already successfully removed myself from the lab, in a sense, I just had to find a way to get the stuff I was stealing out as well.


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