Usurpation of the Tyrant Tradition / Ritual in Sunscald | World Anvil
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Usurpation of the Tyrant

The Usurpation of the Tyrant is the traditional succession ceremony in the city of Keld for the post of the city's Tyrant. The proceedings are largely ceremonial, with the new Tyrant having been elected prior to the Usurpation, and the Usurpation chiefly acts as a symbolic transferral of the title and role of Tyrant. As with many public Keldish governmental customs, the language used is symbolic and intentionally misleading - just as the city's 'Tyrant' is in fact an elected official with limited powers, the Tyrant-elect's 'killing' and 'usurping' of the former Tyrant are purely symbolic and originated from an era of distinct paranoia that if the ceremonies weren't followed, a legitimate tyrant might rise to control the city. Though these concerns are no longer present in the city, the traditional ceremony is still followed.   The Usurpation is a public affair and commences on a set date after the Keldish Council of Advisors elects a new Tyrant. Owing to the public spectacle of the affiar, the day of the Usurpation is often treated as a feast day in Keld, with the ceremony attracting large crowds. On a stage in the city square, the Tyrant-elect announces that they have usurped the position of Tyrant from its previous owner, and to prove the extent of their claim and of their power, they will now kill the previous Tyrant. The Tyrant-elect is then presented with a ceremonial 'weapon', traditionally an extremely blunt wooden axe, and publicly 'executes' the previous Tyrant, thus officially becoming the Tyrant themselves. Well-respected former Tyrants often dramatically or comedically act out their deaths to cheers from the crowds. The ceremony is then formally completed when the new Tyrant decrees "My word is law." In modern times this decree will often be prefaced with a speech detailing the new Tyrant's commitment to the city of Keld and his promises for his reign - the line 'my word is law' has morphed from a symbol of tyranny into an oath cementint the new Tyrant's promises.   A Tyrant dying in office greatly complicates the proceedings of a Usurpation, as the former Tyrant is not officially 'dead' until they have been symbolically killed in the ceremony. This is because the official life of a Tyrant and the life of the individual who was that Tyrant are separate in Keld - hence allowing former Tyrants who have formally been 'killed' to operate as normal within the city. Consequently, Tyrants are strongly encouraged to retire in office rather than risk their death at the hands of age or disease - although in cases where Tyrants have died in office, the Tyrant-elect will typically ceremonially 'kill' a statue or other depiction of the former leader rather than putting their corpse through any indignity.


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