Mammoth Tusks Material in Summer Camp 2022 | World Anvil

Mammoth Tusks

Rarefied Beauty

Mammoth tusks are considered to be one of Sleyterra's most important natural resources, it happens to be its most closely guarded and protected. Umera's Shepherds tend to the mammoth herds and are the only people that may grant leave to kill a mammoth. If a person has not been ordained as a Hunter by the elder of Umera's Shepherds the tusks will turn red and be considered stolen goods. The white ivory is highly prized for decorations, weapon handles, jewelry, spell components, and displaying status.

Due to the limited number of mammoths that are killed each year, and that Umera's Shepherds have first choice of tusks to use in their buildings and tribal rituals, they are incredibly expensive.

White Tusks

White Tusks are either left in tact with the rune of the mammoth that it was taken from or the runes are removed to create a piece of art. Additionally if a tusk is presented as a gift or token the runes are added to by the elders of Umera's Shepherds. The more decorated a tusk the more honours and esteem from the givers. These highly decorated tusks are usually displayed without being turned into other items. Occasionally a personal gift may be given from an individual druid to a person who has earned their favour, these gifts include highly decorated acceseries, weapons, or decorative displays. These more practical gifts are usually worn by those who recieve them and used with appreciation for the gift.

Red Tusks

A red tusk has an entirely more sinister effect, branding the owner as a scoundrel without honour or scrupels. These people are not to be trusted and are held in contempt by The Shepherds. These red tusks aren't worthless in the right circles and are traded in underground markets. There are those who make efforts to collect red tusks from these markets and return them to the shrine in the Great Northern Plains. Those who return these red tusks are usually assessed favourably by The Shepherds and recieve personal gifts from members of the druid tribe and are referred to as The Gatherers by Umera's Shepherds.


Vi'layna stared down at the tusk fragment in her hand its scarlet hue drew too many emotions from her. Outrage. Fury. Indignity. Above it all was a profound sorrow that threatened to choke her with tears and strangled the breath from her lungs. While she had decided to leave the druids of Shov Stril and see the world without the stifling rituals and rites others of her homeland observed she couldn't separate herself entirely from their ideas and reverence for Umera and her creatures. As it stood she knew that the person who had obtained this red tusk was also a child of Umera and deserved forgiveness for their folly, but that didn't mean she was taking murder off the table.

The half-elf took great care and tenderly wrapped the tusk in a piece of white silk before slipping it into her pack. More than for taking the tusk from a mammoth for the sake of greed, Vi'layna held back a sea of rage at being compelled to return to the land of her birth for even this noble cause. She would return the tusk to the shrine to be interred properly, the mammoth could be properly mourned and she would be subjected to the ministrations and gratitude of her people. The thought made her skin crawl.


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Sep 8, 2022 05:47

Great cultural things about the reverence and value. It isn't clear how the intent or sanction of the hunter affects the tusks and causes white or red. Are all mammoths enchanted with runes that turn red if death is not with a cancelling blessing? (such that natural deaths would also turn red) or is there some other force at work?