Middle Ages in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil

Middle Ages

The Middle Ages are a time in the history of Styx that started with the takeover of the Bezsvetowna family.

The last ruler of the Makathrav dynasty, Zitomira the Mad Queen, was disposed of through intrigue after her rule had been a period of instability marked primarily by her personal mental infirmity and the family of Svetlanna Bezsvetowna took power.

Though a time of stable noble rule followed most historians agree that the splendor and grandeur of the Old Empire period was never surpassed or recreated.

It was in the Middle Ages that gunpowder became known in Styx, first an import from the Eastern Deeplands it soon became a dominant weapon in the many wars fought between the Bezsvetowna and the Kingdom of Darklight, the Duchy of Sharhaven as well as the Old Durevafold Jarlhold and was also instrumental in providing the city of Styx a decisive winning edge in defense against the incursions from the Tribes of the Woods.

The ending of the Middle Ages was marked by the invention of Steam Power and the refinement of gunpowder arms into Flintlock Firearms and finalized by the Great Revolution which starts the early Republican era and the Modern Age within the City of Styx.


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