Sharhaven Settlement in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil


System of Government:Feudal Monarchy
Languages:Umbraen Elvish, Undercommon
Crest:A simple escutcheon in black and purple with a sailor's knot and an anchor.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Social Standard: Lawful Neutral
Sovereign: Ryld VI. Tharnova   Shavhaven is the capital city of the same-named Duchy of Sharhaven.

Ruled by the Tharnova family the city surrounds a cliff of black rock on which the castle called Sharhaven's Crest is perched high up.

Above crashing washes the castle stands tall and defiant of the assaults of the Rhynraen-Anruth from the Obsidian Sea.

Sharhaven as a city is very mixed with almost as many citizens being Dwarves, Gnomes and humans as Sumraki-Ashaī.

There are a number of important crafters' guilds located in the city and the outlying villages provide lifestock and crops that are sold on the weekly Whalebone Market.  


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