Wightring Building / Landmark in Subetia | World Anvil
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Wightring, location unknown, is the alleged home of faeries, located in the dark forest of the Mushwoods. Even the gnome residents don't know where to find the Wightring, and its location changes often and sometimes disappears. The Wightring is the only home of faeries on Orcli.


Protected by magic, and miniature, the Wightring is well-protected because it is well-hidden by powerful enchantments.


Over history, faeries, who can take human size but can shrink freely, have faced extreme discrimination due to their magical abilities and flight, making them an object of envy.  For this reason, most faeries have chosen to stay together with other faeries, shrunken down into miniature form and hidden among the Mushwoods, living within the Wightring.  Once the orcs established their rule over Orcli, they kept secret.  Today, many don't believe in the faeries' existence, and they are often never considered, remembered, or thought of.


Some seek to find the Wightring for various purposes including conquest, discovery, and knowledge.
Alternative Names
The Fairy Ring, Home of Faeries
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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