Jetdrift Settlement in Subetia | World Anvil
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Jetdrift is a village made up of driftwood from Port Prim to the north, making use of the otherwise trash drifting ashore. Jetdrift is a home to wanderers and outcasts and has only recently gained official village status, although it does not have representation in Tatsch politics, despite having a de facto mayor.  Braigh and its mayor has represented Jetdrift otherwise.


Human outcasts, vagrants, pirates, tradesmen, and the like


Loose cooperation of somewhat permanent residents who are typically from all over, settling at Jetdrift as an outcast or vagrant of sorts.

Industry & Trade

Clandestine trade, pilfery, treasure hunters


Rustic docks, roads, shacks, huts, and buildings built out of driftwood and other found materials.


Occasional treasure from shipwrecks or goods lost at sea.

Guilds and Factions

Hub for Faerie Runners and other illegal and covert organizations geared toward piracy and pilfery


Jetdrift was founded on the ruins of several ships that crashed into Tatsch Hwell's northeastern-most peninsula en route to Hodn's Port Prim to the north.  Shipwreck survivors and nearby opportunists flocked to the site, along with Tatsch land merchant humans and halflings, where the goods were plundered and the commotion died down.  A few of the looters recognized the opportunity to build a town out of the abundance of wood and building materials left from the wrecks, and the first buildings were constructed.  Thanks to somewhat regular wrecks or deliveries of shipwrecked or sea-lodged goods, Jetdrift established itself as a plunder hub.  Thanks to these somewhat shady origins, the village has become a hub for shady individuals and is a port of entry for Faerie Runners and other individuals or groups seeking clandestine travel and transport.


Buildings built from shipwrecked ships, many keeping or displaying the ship elements and designs like boughs, masts, hulls, rails, and decks.
Inhabitant Demonym
Jetdrifter, Drifter, Jetter
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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