Cannaton Settlement in Subetia | World Anvil
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Cannaton, "Canal Town," (dwarvish: Statchruck) is a mid-size city located on either side of a rocky isle, on which sits atop a dwarven-made statue of Pamona, goddess of the land. Docks and bridges made of wood and reinforced with cobblestone spill off the land to the west and island to the east, cluttering the waters but connecting the city.   Wooden houses and stone seawalls line the western part of Cannaton, or Cannaton Proper, with farmland on its outskirts before the mountains take their rise.  To the east, some wooden docks and structures jut out from Ish Ieg, jokingly refered to as "Cannaton Improper," lined with industrial ship-related businesses, enterprises, and a few taverns frequented by rowdy seafarers and hard workers.  In between, lies the Statue of Pamona, with boats traveling east and west through the canals to and from Hevedberg and beyond.  Shipments from northern Hwells to Meyjakh Hwell often travel along Moethe's mountainous west coast and end in Cannaton, whose shipments are then carried to other Meyjakhian destinations like Aldenbeld, Vallton, and Thaet Hjemsteds.


Human majority, dwarf and halfling minorities, along with some elves, tieflings, and gnomes.


Mayor elected from local leaders ranging from retired naval officers to local business owners and farmers.


Network of lookouts, forts, and ways to quickly block the canal with floating bridges or at least intercept passages through cannons and arrows

Industry & Trade

Trade, shipments, ship making, naval hiring, local businesses, agricultural exports


Road system, stone sea walls, terraced hill city, floatable and moveable wooden docks and bridges


Cannaton Proper: located on the western shoreline, this district includes the Old Town and its old shipyards. Ish Ieg District: known as "Cannaton Improper," this industrial district juts out from the rocky coast of Ish Ieg to the east, full of wooden, moving structures like boats, bridges, floating buildings, and house boats.

Guilds and Factions

Faerie Runners, Walrusians, Brandishers, Mathe Pamona - a lot of faction activity due to its proximity to Hevedberg, lack of orcish oversight, and historic significance


Dwarves carved the Statue of Pamona and some fortresses on Ish Ieg, but the town was established by humans with help from the dwarves to carve out the terraces of Cannaton Proper and build up the seawall.

Points of interest

Statue of Pamona


Stone walls and terraces with wooden houses built on top, similar to the wooden cross-beamed houses of Holmshir, which is across the bay (around Ish Ieg).


The west is sloped, and the houses and more terraced than the slopes and hills of Holmshir, which has more steep roads.
Alternative Name(s)
Canal Town, Statchruck
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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