Halfling Species in Strathnora | World Anvil


Known for their hospitality and family oriented natures, Halflings are most commonly found as inn keepers on the roads between the various towns and cities of Eagos. They love to hear stories of adventure and cunning, and are often ready to welcome almost anyone into their homes. They live in tight-knit families, where little is not known or shared between the other members, and any slight against one is seen as an offense against all.
  Halflings also make prodigious doctors, running many of the hospitals in most cities, where they hold an iron grip on the business. Be it a back-alley surgeon, a small clinic, or a massive state sponsored hospital, there is no doubt that a Halfling family is involved in the running of it.
"Never anger a Halfling, unless you want their entire family involved."
- A common proverb about Halflings

Basic Information


Standing at around four feet tall, they are stocky humanoids.


Halflings live in close-knit families, where the needs of the individual are seen as the needs of the whole. This has led to many Halfling families being at odds with one another due to differences in opinion, with long running feuds having lasted centuries.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Halflings live in close communities made of their direct and extended family members, usually with an elder or two running the entire thing. Age primarily dictates the position of a Halfling within their family, with the older geenrations being almost revered.

Facial characteristics

Round faces with large eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Originating from, and found primarily on, the continent of Eagos, though there are tales of others living on other continents.

Average Intelligence

Of average intelligence, they make prodigious doctors.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Halflings have exceptionally keen eye-sight, allowing them to see things that others would otherwise miss.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

They run basically all hospitals, and if they don't, they soon will.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Halfling

Common Taboos

Insulting a Halfling is to insult their entire family.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Halfling accept basically all other species with little trouble. As long as you don't cause trouble for a Halfling, their family won't cause trouble for you.
Male Halfling Inn Keeper
Female Halfling
250 years
Average Height
4 feet
Average Weight
60 kgs
Average Physique
Short and stocky.
Geographic Distribution