Enyra Lhunman Character in Strathnora | World Anvil

Enyra Lhunman

Enyra Lhunman (a.k.a. Enny)

Enyra is an Elf of elegant stature with a graceful demeanor. She keeps her curly, dark blue hair short and neat, and wears a set of clean and tidy Guild issued robes, with a silver pen dangling from a chain around her neck.   Hailing from a background of scribes and librarians, Enyra found herself drawn to the organizational side of adventuring. Her keen attention to detail and excellent memory made her the perfect candidate for a desk clerk at the Havenport Adventurers Guild. She is meticulous in maintaining the guild's records, scheduling quests, and ensuring that adventurers have the resources they need.   Enyra is known for her calm and composed nature. She's well-spoken and polite, handling even the most irate adventurers with a professional demeanor. Behind her reserved exterior lies a genuine interest in the stories of the adventurers passing through, often listening intently to their tales and dreams.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Her pastel blue skin.

Special abilities

Keen Intellect: Enyra possesses a sharp mind, excelling in organizational tasks, record-keeping, and administrative duties.
Elven Grace: As an elf, Enyra enjoys the natural agility and keen senses typical of her race, although she has not pursued combat skills.
Guild Connections: Enyra has cultivated a network of contacts within the guild, enabling her to provide adventurers with valuable information and assistance.

Apparel & Accessories

Guild Satchel: A leather satchel containing parchment, quills, ink, and various administrative tools.
Silver Pen: A finely crafted silver pen with elven runes, used for official guild documents.
Guild Robes: Simple, yet well-maintained, guild-issued robes bearing the emblem of the adventurers' guild.

Calm, collected and matronly. She is the senior receptionist, and watches over the other two.

View Character Profile
Current Status
Teaching Markus Moontusk how to read and write.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2359 151 Years old
Dark grey
Short, curly, dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pastel blue
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Clerks Header by Appy Pie Design