Nak'Cue Character in Strangeworld | World Anvil


Wandering firbolg seeking out new creatures to learn about.

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A tone away

Munnin believes we can find the book that we are looking for with another plane of existence. The ethereal plane! I thought from what I’ve heard in my stories growing up was it is a place for wandering spirits cut the book when looking for Be a spirit? That’s absurd what is it? There have been a lot of things that seem to go against logic so who am I to say that it can’t be done this way. We met a wizard that could help us get to The ethereal plane but of course greed takes over and he wants us to steal something from a cloud giant. Instead of arguing or trying to persuade this wizard into helping us because all of humanity needs our help. I just quickly agreed, and picked up some forks to be able to return to the elemental plane of air because I feel what we are doing is wrong. We need the wizards help so I will comply but when we no longer need the wizards help I plan to set things right. i’m planning to be non-lethal and or heal with a giant and leave him with this note.   “ A piece of parchment that reads what is written below in giant“ Jeg trenger krystallkulen for å redde flyet mitt. Jeg skal hjelpe deg med å hente det når det er trygt Prakt, Stev, Rang, glang byrd Storm rang glang du blod ettin er blod kong Gi tusen val nul Trut zund stommpaart

How do you chase what knows your coming?

It’s been quite a while since I wrote in my journal. Since my departure from the group, it seems they picked up a large lizard guy to help them and their battles in trying to defeat the Lich queen they were so successful at that task hadn’t killed her, but made her retreat. It seems that Munnin has picked up new skills granted to her from another worldly source. For now it seems the otherworldly source is on our side and has teleported them to my location in the forest in the midst of a battle I lost about seven clan members. We defeated the forces that were attacking the forest and captured their leader, reviving him to broker a truce between the two of us. It seems the whole world, still terrified of the lynch queen. I tried to persuade him and letting him know that we took care of that, and now all we have to do is defeat, the lord of the hells. I don’t know how we’re gonna pull this off. He can see our every move. How do we go after something that knows we’re coming? One of the buildings we searched had been evacuated and set up as a trap for us. All that we need to do is get his real true name. I don’t necessarily want to destroy the Lord of the Hells because he brings Order to that realm and I can’t imagine what it would be like without him there. What we need to do is make a deal, that he can’t refuse that allows him to still exist, but leave our realm to us. Strange… where are all the gods that the people of this land pray to at and how come, they’re not helping?

How To Survive In Sunlight 101

Traving as a cloud has had more of an advantage then just speed and distance. From my vantage point I have observed many beasts. As soon as we rid the treat of the Lynch Queen, I think I’ll make a bestiary of all the beasts in all my travels. That would help train other protectors in the art of wild shape back home. We had decided to see what is happing with the Deep Gnomes, it seems strange that Petal doesn’t care about her people. It intrigues me to find out what happened. We arrive to the town to find an army stationed here. We were able to speak with a woman with Elfish decent named Laliana Artufoss. She seemed rude and short with us but I think its because of how busy she it and what is going on in her town. We explain that we will help and the other broker a deal for our efforts. What I see next insured me to do something about the issue at hand. Hundreds of starving homeless Gnomes that can barely handle the light of the outside world are left to fend for themselves. The Army is here only to keep them out of the town, but I understand why. There is not enough crop or livestock in this town to support its residents and twice the population. As I offered money, I realized this, and they surely would not make the trip to the next town. The rest of the party wen back into town to research when the gnomes said ran them out of their home and I stayed with the gnomes I cast Good Berry as may times as I could. I also started Nak’Cue’s Class of Day light Survival. I got about 30 Gnomes and Taught them to make traps and showed them where critters would travel. Also had 30 others that I Showed what plants to eat and the ones to stay away form. I expect this would not help for long but at least I gave them something to do instead of laying in the muck. I then had my 60 students start teaching an apprentice that when they felt comfortable would take an apprentice of their own. At least some of the gnomes would survive if we failed in our mission. I do see that we must kill this Worm that spits acid, if we fail this part of the land will not be livable for the town or the gnomes. I find it interesting the town would have been okay long enough to train them to fend for themselves and not have to feed and army to keep them out. What I have come to learn in my travels is that humanoids are greedy and seem to care only about their family, selves, or religion destroying the nature around them. We spent days in the underground, Drizzy decided to stay above ground, I support that. We happened to stroll into a village of Koldbold’s that although, they seem to be helpful now I have a feeling they would turn on us if it was in their favor. Strange that they haven’t fled their home… Anyhow we found this massive worm that seemed to not mind Munnins daggers. Ozymandius had cut its head off and I healed the party while thy start filling their bags with loot. After traveling in cloud form out of the Underdark we advise the deep gnomes that they are safe to return home. That felt like the greatest thing I have done on my travels I am proud of this group. Now if I could get them to not worry so much about money, I would feel like I have shown them that there are other ways to be wealthy.

Justice From Above

My hole tribe will never believe that I have returned stolen goods to a dragon, killed a beholder, and now have saved a different dragon! We have left word that we want to ask some questions tomorrow about how she got the collar in the first place. We didn’t receive much information of what happened but we did gain an ally if there is a war ahead. Gifted us with a ring that will call for her aid when needed. It’s fascinating that the dragon was alive during the time of the Lich queen ruled. I wish I could gather more knowledge and stories her life. We continued on to our destination casting us all into cloud form for us to do quick movement over the lands. Then I witnessed a terrible action. Multiple weretigrs stormed a farmhouse unfortunately we weren’t able to save the farmers. This battle was long but we started to notice a turn. Down to the last remaining three started to try to flee will you manage to stop one question them. “ Why does your tribe attack humans that are defenseless instead of just feeding off of nature itself?” His only reply was that it was easy pickings. I tried to decide to take him to the nearest town to turn them in to the authorities. Humans like to enforce the rules upon each other don’t get me wrong we have rules as well in my tribe but we care for each other and cherish the cycle of life. He didn’t seem to make it and succumb to his injuries in the battle especially when Munnin finish him. I think I have been away from my people too long, the way of life out here is rubbing off on me and I never would’ve thought to bring justice to a family that’s been slaughtered. We would’ve just banished them from our forest and I believe that would cause problems elsewhere. And now I get to see the problems elsewhere and I think we need to be more delicate and decisions pertaining to such evil. Where are the family and will head to town to let them know they do not have to fear them ever again.

Letter from Emperatrix

Mariana, had given us documents to prove we are trying to help. Estanople has lost contact with Akthuna, Vvathofh's government has fallen, and Raposh held interest to the lynch Queen in the past from a book found in the catacombs. We couldn’t decide where to go. Munnin contacted Zybnin to see if we could give notice that we will arrive in Akthuna but he said the dark one rules there. We need to get ahead of all of this and not walk into a army so I turned Drizzy into a cat, placed him on my shoulder and opened a door to trees I have seen before in Asharckato. It’s as close as I can get to route to Raposh. On arrival right away we notice the purest White clouds surrounding the tower in the center of the city. Everyone here in town seems terrified we tried to even talk to a tavern keeper and couldn’t get much information. I changed into a giant eagle to fly up and see what’s going on with these clouds atop the clouds I noticed a large structure. We all decided to rest up for the evening I’m going to check it out tomorrow a few of us slept outside with Drizzy the others stayed in the inn. Ozzy casted gate for us to travel straight into the structure and it is filled with treasure. Adelious greeted us with threats, we did just trespass into a treasury of some sort so hostility is to be expected. We tried to calmly talk but I felt she was going to attack so I prepared myself defensively. Then the unexpected happened, she turned into her original form of a silver dragon but oddly the gold collar she had on as a human transformed with her as a slave collar around the dragon neck. This battle was strange from what we gathered Adelious used to govern this city very well and was a nice person. I believe the collar was making her evil so we’re not looking to try to kill the dragon just remove the collar. Needless to say this battle got hairy and a lot of us got pretty hurt. I managed to transform it into a tiger Ozzy put it to sleep next all we had to do was remove the collar. I’ve been hurt many different ways but I can tell you as of today I am not a fan of being mentally hurt to psychic daggers hit me from Munnin. As I ripped the collar off the sleeping tiger Munnin ran straight for me so I held the collar up high and she hugged me. She tried to psychically connect with the dragon and the queen intervened taking control of her telling her not let them remove the collar. Being on edge from this battle I turned the party into gaseous clouds and we let Munnin psychically connect with the tiger and I dropped the polymorph. Munnin explained did not mean to harm you we just wanted to help. This is the first time I have ever witnessed or heard of it dragon sharing some of it hoard, as the silver dragon flipped over two precious stones.

I miss the wind

We hav had a tough time down here. It seems that all the tunnels are created by the beholder and trying to understand why it made the rooms it has would break your brain. I think I remember the way out! Some of us fell down one of the holes, trapped rooms, zombies. And then pure darkness. The last hole led us face to face with the beholder. As soon as we got down the rope my goggles stopped working. I fumbled for some torches and as soon as I could see it was the beholder waiting for us like he knew we would be there. I dropped one of the torches and headed straight for them jumped over a little cavern and drop my other torch ready to try to remove that item from his eye stock. It was no stupid creature it decided to leave took straight off it saw that I couldn’t see so it went high. I start to get baffled on what to do if I change into a creature I’m probably gonna be at forced out of it so if I’m flying I’m gonna hit the ground maybe I’ll stick to my original idea and try to polymorph it. As soon as I planned that moon and teleports above it lands on top and cuts the Eye stock off. It looks really hurt maybe I’ll just try to do more damage and get it to die before it even shoots another race sadly I wanted to have it go free but it’s still extremely hostile towards us and it looks like it’s leading us into another room where there’s another thing attacking us. I hit it with blight feel pretty good about how that spell went I think I hit it dead on but it is still moving. Pedal launched a javelin into it killing it. As soon as we start diverting our attention to the spirit it screamed and disappeared. The scream reminded me of the scream I heard when I burned the chair. This Lynch queen is extremely powerful I fear we have been put at the top of her priorities by now. I am not meant to be down here I enjoy the breeze and the plants I will be very happy if we are done down her and we can get out of this place.

Where did this hat come from?

As I came to. The rest of the party is fine and I have a strange hat on my head. I guess Munnin decided to decorate me as a statue. That was a pretty clever joke, I think we need to better prepare ourselves. I suggest to the group that we go get more healing potions and more supplies in case I get turned to stone again. The group came back with information about the pirate King, that we don’t have to investigate that anymore. I do have to say that saddens me a little bit I would be intrigued to find a new creatures to change into but that is not fully required for my quest. What kind of protection could a shark do for a forest so I’m not gonna worry too much about missing out on that. Maybe I’ll find some things down here that are very interesting I haven’t been to the under dark before. Really hope that Freyja can find the information she’s looking for I don’t think there’s going to be much more to help her in the under dark I believe the catacombs with all the names on the plates of the coffins is the thing that struck the interest for her. As we ventured further Petaluma mentioned something about being exiled from the underdog but also didn’t seem too eager to be coming back. I wonder if it’s out of fear from whom banished her. When I get a chance I’ll have to ask more about it. We found on the top of this temple a similar statue of a gem with a serpent that attacked Munnin before. As Munnin walked past it she started randomly speaking of words and different languages I’ve never heard before and held her hands to her head like she was in pain? Frustrated with the statue I decided I’m going to destroy it I tried pushing it myself, sadly I am too weak to do so but my friends stepped in and helped me and we push the thing over and destroyed it. The trap or whatever the hell it was doing was disabled and won’t cause harm to anyone else. Very strange small beholder like creature called geezers started showing up repeating what we were saying. I thought there was a trick to it but they just repeat everything you say. As soon as it found out we were hostile towards it took off, well hopefully it can’t talk and only repeat.   The next room scouted by Ozymandias had a captured snake person. Munnin started talking to for more information and let it know that when we free it we are not it’s enemy. Even knowing that this creature is evil I can’t allow it to be trapped or starve down here from us killing it’s captures. That would make us as evil as it is. During the battle the only thing that went through my head was all we need to do is knock down one of these dang pillars, so out of frustration I changed into a earth elemental and started slamming it. Still with no prevail by the time we free this prisoner all threats are going to be dead hopefully the snake person will stay true to its word and just leave. After the battle had concluded it stay true to their word it’s a weird situation where you feel like you’ve done something good yet they’re probably going to go harm somebody else. This is why I miss home much simpler there. We all work together to keep the forest fed, healthy, clean, and safe. Don’t get me wrong, it’s close to the same concept as me saving and healing a predator that turns around and kills but the big differences is it had a reason to kill, for food the natural cycle. Being around animals is so much easier… I hope that one day I can bring all my new friends to see my home I am still suspicious of Ozymandias hopefully he does enough right by me… did I just turn into my father? He used to tell me “It only takes one oh shit, to get rid of ten that a boy’s”. I will find out what really happened further and I will protect the rest of the clan!

Lost in Thought

I hope this spell lands, I’ll turn you into a house cat. Damn, the Death tyrant resisted. Oooohhh…. What did it hit me with I am starting to stiffen. Quick drop the staff. They will be able to use it heal. I think they can heal me with it… did it hit me with petrification? Oh I’m still Stiffening up is my last shot come on polymorph…… damnit….. I failed the group. This is …. Taking over ….. I can’t resist it. F you death tyrant.   It’s dark…. I can’t hear anything. H-e-l-l-O I can’t even speak… I must be turned to stone. I wonder if Munnin and can speak to me with her mind? I dropped my staff Somebody should be able to attune to it… damnit, If this is petrification, lesser restoration won’t work… you idiot. Calm down, calm down if I am still psychically linked with Munnin and I can communicate that way just concentrate on that calm down and concentrate on using your mind to speak.   (Minnin’s thoughts enter my head showing Concern and celebration and the feeling of safety) Munnin: are you still in there? The floaty weapon and Freya killed the skull and the nasty floating eyeballs are dead too this time dead-dead.   [Yes I am still here. Am I turn to stone?]   (Munnin’s thought turn playful and the feeling of laughter.) Munnin: Yes you are and I’ll never take you for Granite again!   That is Actually kind of funny focus… [Ask Lanmin if She can cast greater restoration she’s going to need diamond dust for the spell I have some but it’s probably turned to stone too.]   Munnin: She said she can prepare it but we’re gonna go get the diamond dust so Don’t Move! We will be back.   [Thank you.]   I have no clue how long it’s been. I have no clue what is in the room with me if there is anything in the room! Calm down. It’s like meditating? Not really. Meditating you concentrate on your breathing this I have nothing. Okay I am going to be fine. Just keep thinking. Think of home, the animals I have found, the friends I have made, and Izzy. What? Think happy thoughts not thoughts of having to banish the only one you ever loved from the tribe. … … … I still can’t believe it… no one breaks the code! Did she really? There is no way I could prove it was not her. She said it! She said she set fire to the tree. But… where was the Dryad that was protecting it? It was a bonded tree… She wasn’t acting like herself kind of like she was charmed but she wasn’t Surely somebody would’ve detected magic on her. Stop thinking of Izzy it’s too heartbreaking… wait I feel something…………

The Watcher

We all decided to go check why the Mitropolitis was acting strange. Arriving at a very large building that is more fancy and cleaner than most parts of the city. I begin to think that their Deity is greedy or maybe that’s the people’s way of showing they care. I spot some guards by the door and first I find it strange that they are guarding the entrance, but I see that people pass straight past them with ease. Good, it would be strange if they stopped people form going to a holy site for praying. Iallanis would not need such a large building unless it was to it were to reunite all the giants under one banner that would be so wonderful. Any who, I asked the guard if we could speak with Emilinia. This guard “Bob” didn’t want to help even when I said we have a gift for her. Makes me sick to my stomach trying to lie like that but in my travels with humans it seems to be the thing to do. Looks like we were all going in after hours when they closed at night… Why are there so many guards still here I have a strange feeling that they don’t see the Mitropolitis often enough to see her strangeness for themselves. Munnin was Inside by herself Freyja was escorted out when they closed, I think we should cause a diversion for everyone else to get inside. Munnin said in my head that the door is now unlocked. Freyja, Ozymandius, and myself approached the guards to demand to speak with her as I signal to the others to go to the door. To show I am not a threat I suggest they bind us because Ozymandius couldn’t convince them, and Freyja was stopped before she could do what she could grab the belongings of the guard. I have to say this place is very nice they bound us with nice silk bindings and had a lovely waiting room with a very comfy couch while we waited to be seen. Emilinia showed up and sure enough I detected magic and seen that she is being controlled. I raise these concerns to the guards, and they don’t trust us still and the bindings are too tight for me to dispel the charm. Things are looking bad I think the guards might be instructed to take us away … I give a look to Ozymandius and hold out my bindings stretching them as wide as I can hoping that he knows what I plan to do. Just as I was about to change into a sabretooth and rip off his bindings for him to dispel the charm, they sent for someone else They lessen to this other holy person that removes the charm.   We learn that a creature called the watcher is behind the charm and seems to be under something control itself. I start to worry, my grandfather used to tell stories of a creature that fit its description that he knew of deep in the mountains and warned us to run if we ever seen it. Petaluma Knows about the creature and from what she told us it made my grandfather’s stories seem like kid’s tales. Knowing this thing is that dangerous and is below the city I feal like we must do something about it before others get hurt. Speaking of getting hurt, our newcomer to the group for some reason decided to touch a mace that he just seen stun Emilinia’s maid. We all decide to sleep, and I remember from my travels a recall strange fellow that was a bit unorthodox that told me that magic cant heal everything. He said, “once before I was turned to stone for a long time and after they used their magic to being me back, I still needed a little something more”. He said the night entertainment a tavern has to offer be it female or male heck both at the same time is the best to revitalize your muscles.   As we started our decent under the church, we found something of nightmares. Not a Beholder but what looks like one that sucks the blood from its victims. We almost lost Freja this fight was a tough one I hope that removing the item on the beholder will allow it to leave and be at peace. An intelligent creature should not be held captive under someone else’s control even something as dangerous as a beholder.


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