Amædth Spicer Character in Strangeworld | World Anvil

Amædth Spicer


Amædth Spicer was the most recent semi-hereditary guildmaster of the Vvathaf Spicer's Guild. His family had grown the spice trade in Vvathaf over the last two centuries. Until recently, Vvathaf had become known as a center of both culinary culture due to the spice trade, and a trading post for other cultures to acquire durable and exotic spices for import into their own homelands.   With the rise of the Sirens in the Mare Orientalem, the spice trade in Vvathaf had been struggling. Spicemongers were forced to buy their supplies from the Fence, rather than their usual suppliers (such as the Darluvvek trading family), because the Sirens were successful in capturing most of the incoming supply of goods.   Amædth was slian during Alvvir's Uprising and was the last of his line.
Current Location
Date of Death
55th of Thuyir
8047 AF 8089 AF 42 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in Alvvir's Uprising
Place of Death
Central District of Vvathaf


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