070: MERITS in Straalara | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Acute Sense (1pt.) One of your senses is exceptionally sharp, be it sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste. The difficulties for all tasks involving the use of this sense are reduced by two.

Ambidextrous (1pt.) You have a high degree of off-hand dexterity and can perform tasks with the “wrong” hand at no penalty. The rules for taking multiple actions still apply, but you do not suffer a difficulty penalty if you use two weapons or are forced to use your off hand.

Animal Affinity (1, 2 or 4pt.) The character has an affinity for a particular species (+1), family (+2) of animal. Or she has an affinity for all animals (+4). The animals will treat you as a friend and companion. They will listen to you as a trusted mate (even if the species does not normally have trusted mates). You cannot speak to animals.

Animal Magnetism (1pt.) You are especially attractive to others. You receive a -1 to your difficulty on Seduction rolls. However, this will aggravate others of your gender.

Animal Speech (3pt.) You can talk to the animals. All this does is allow you to speak with them. They are not obligated to talk back or do you any favors.

Approachable (1pt.) There is something very inviting and nonthreatening about you. People find you quite easy to start a conversation with. Even distrustful creatures tend to put aside their instinctive wariness of mortals regarding you. Reduce the difficulty of any Empathy rolls involving other people by one.

Aura of Fear (2pt.) Many Denizens threaten by their very presence, but you take this to a preternatural extreme. By spending a point of Willpower, you exude and air of menace that may stop the boldest creatures in their tracks. Anyone who wishes to attack or even insult you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) before doing so.

Berserker (2pt.) The character can willingly enter a berserker state. While berserk you may ignore wound penalties and add 4 to all combat rolls except for dodges. However, once the berserker rage is over the character pays the price for wounds taken. You can take no complex actions other than combat, dodging, or running when berserk. Characters with Bestial cannot take this merit since the Beast has overcome the berserker rages.

Blasé (3pt.) You are not easily impressed by others. This makes you highly resistant to effects that manipulate your emotions (either supernatural, technological, or social). The most powerful abilities may require a Will roll.

Boon (1-3pt.) A noble owes you a favor because of something either you or your mentor once did for them. The extent of the boon owed to you depends on how many points you spend. One point would indicate a minor boon, while three points would indicate that the noble owes you his life.

Calming Presence (2pt.) One advantage of your animal half is the ability to calm any animal with a quiet word or even a look. You may soothe children as well. Something in your scent, or your aura, conveys safety and security to the animal or child. A guard dog will rarely attack you, and when your arms, babies calm and gaze up at you in fascination and wonder. (The difficulty of all Presence rolls, except Intimidation, is reduced by 2 when dealing with children or animals.)

Catlike Balance (1pt.) You possesses an innately perfect sense of balance. You reduce the difficulties of all balance-related rolls (e.g., Dexterity + Athletics to walk along a narrow ledge) by two.

Chameleon Scales (3pt.) You are covered in fine scales that are able to change colors to match the area around you. All stealth checks against you are at -3 Diff, but you must remain still to gain the effect. It takes a full turn to change colors. You may also change the color of your scales at will for other purposes.

Charmed Existence (5pt.) Your life is somehow protected, and you do not face the perils that others must. It is a powerful and specific form of luck. Anytime a botch is rolled, reroll and use that roll instead. If a botch is rolled a second time the botch counts. This makes you less likely to fail or botch even on the most difficult tasks.

Chivalrous Heart (4pt.) One of your previous incarnations was knightly, or you just have an overwhelming sense of duty to those in need, but when defending those who physically need your help, you are at –2 difficulty on all roles.

Claws/Fangs/etc. (3, 5, 7, 9, 11pt.) Witches have always been known for their beautiful fingernails and iron teeth, and your character lives up to this reputation, since coming from her, “I'll scratch your eyes out!” is not an idle threat. Or she has the horns of the devil or the hooves of a centaur, or something more mundane yet cooler -like a surgical steel plate in the skull with bolts to screw spikes on. For three points, you may buy one type of attack; for five points, two. Seven points allows you to buy three, and nine points allows you to buy four. For eleven points, you can go for the full devil package and have claws, fangs, horns, hooves, and a barb at the end of your tail (though it costs an additional three points for your tail to be prehensile).

Maneuver Accuracy Damage
Bite +1 Strength+ 1
Claw 0 Strength+ 2
Kick -1 Strength+ 3
Gore -1 Strength+ 2 (Strength+4 after a charge, if you have just moved 10 yards or more)
Tail Strike 0 Strength+ 1

Claws, fangs, horns, hooves, and tail barbs come in varying sizes. The above list assumes you have the smallest gauge. For an additional point, you can get a larger size, and another point beyond that gets you el Grande, each size larger doing an additional + 1 point of damage. At Storyteller option, claws and so forth can be made retractable for an additional + 1 per unit of size, like vampire fangs can be pulled back in for one point; for two points, jumbo fangs (the type that stick down over your lip) can be pulled back into line with regular teeth, and for three points, even boar or walrus tusks can be made to disappear- though there will have to be a good explanation given for why this works.

Clear Sighted (3pt.) You are not fooled by illusions, and you get a Perception +Alertness roll, difficulty = 6, to see through supernatural illusions. Changed forms do not count for this merit.

Code of Honor (2pt.) You have a personal code of ethics to which you adhere. The specifics of this code must be worked out with the Storyteller prior to play, and the character must follow it. Characters with this Merit gain two additional dice to all Willpower rolls when acting in accordance with their code (e.g., defending the helpless) or when attempting to avoid situations that might force them to violate their code.

Coldly Logical (1pt.) While some might refer to you as a “cold fish,” you have a knack for separating factual reporting from emotional or hysterical coloration. You may or may not be emotional yourself, but you can see clearly when others are clouding the facts with their feelings (-1 difficulty on all related rolls).

Common Sense (1pt.) You have a significant amount of practical, everyday wisdom. Whenever you are about to act in a way contrary to common sense, the Storyteller can make suggestions or warnings about the implications of said action. This is a particularly useful Merit for beginning players unfamiliar with the game.

Concentration (1pt.) You can focus your mind and shut out any distractions or annoyances. Characters with this Merit are unaffected by any penalties stemming from distracting circumstances (e.g., loud noises, strobe lights, or hanging upside down).

Crack Shot (2pt.)No matter what you are pointing, arrow, or dart, you Strike your target with great accuracy. You receive no increased difficulty when targeting any specific location. You gain one extra dice on Archery or Athletics (throwing) rolls that do not involve specific targeting.

Danger Sense (2pt.) This gives the character a supernatural awareness of when he is in danger. The Storyteller rolls Intelligence + Investigation + d10 on a difficulty varied by the subtleness and immediacy of the danger.

Daredevil (3pt.) You are good at taking risks, and even better at surviving them. When attempting exceptionally risky non-combat actions (such as leaping from one moving wagon to another), characters with this Merit add an additional three dice to their rolls, and negate a single botch die that may result from such a roll. Such actions must be at least difficulty 8 and have the potential to inflict at least three health levels of damage if failed.

Determined (2pt.) You are one tenacious bastard, determined to go your own way. It can be difficult for people to persuade you otherwise. Gain two dice in any resisted roll in which someone tries to persuade you do to something.

Dexterous Toes (1pt.) Hands tied? Too many things to hold? Not to worry – with Dexterous Toes you can work equally well with hands or feet. While holding something in your toes, you cannot move around.

Double-Jointed (1pt.) You are unusually supple. Reduce the difficulty of any Dexterity roll involving bodily flexibility by two. Squeezing through a tiny space is one example of a use for this Merit.

Eidetic Memory (2pt.) You can remember things you have seen and heard with perfect detail. By gaining at least one degree of success on an Intelligence roll (difficulty 6), you can recall any desired sight or sound accurately, even if you heard it or glanced it only once. Five degrees of successes enables you to recall an event with perfect accuracy. Difficulty is decided by the circumstances.

Enchanting Voice (2pt.) There is something about your voice that others cannot ignore. When you command, they are cowed. When you seduce, they swoon. Whether thundering, soothing, persuading, or simply talking, your voice commands attention. The difficulties of all rolls involving the use of the voice to persuade, charm, or command are reduced by two.

Expert Rider (1pt.) Your character rides like you were born on a horse. All difficulties on riding rolls are reduced by two.

Extra Arms/Leg (5pt.) Your character has extra arms or legs. You will need to buy this twice to have extra arms and legs. You can have 4 legs, like a horse, 6 legs, like an insect or 8 legs, like a spider. Same with arms. Regardless of the quantity of extra limbs, the result is the same.
  • Extra Arms – Your character counts as being Ambidextrous. You can also carry 2 additional weapons or 1 additional weapon and small shield. You must still split the dice pool to make additional attacks.
  • Extra Legs - Your character counts as having Catlike Balance. In addition, your speed is Str + Dex + 15.

Fashion Sense (2pt.) Your character does not just dress well, he has an innate sense of what sort of clothes suit a particular occasion. This is not a case of slavishly following the latest trends from the hottest designers. It is a matter of knowing when to dress smart and when to be casual, and having the ability to carry it off on a limited budget. Deduct one from the difficulty of Social rolls in situations in which dressing appropriately is important, such as a business meeting, chatting in a club or attending and invitation-only function.

Flirt (2pt.) You claim you are a terrible flirt, but that quite manifestly is not true. You are great at it. You are an absolute master of all the subtle signals that give off the combination of promise and denial that makes teasing so much fun. At your best, you can make members of the opposite sex, or members of the same sex, putty in your hands. Add two dice to all social rolls in such circumstances.

Fly Fingers (4pt.) Your Characters fingers end in suction cups akin to those of a fly. You can climb sheer walls, hanging upside down from ceilings, and otherwise defying gravity if you have something to hold on to. (The player must make a Dexterity + Athletics roll). Note: The fingers in question cannot be gloved for Fly Fingers to work. The toes with this Merit are similarly affected, though the fingers alone are enough to support your weight.

Forgettable (2pt.) It is not that you are ugly. It is just that, well, people's eyes tend to slide over you. You are of average height and build, unremarkable looks, and run-of-the-mill dress. People have problems remembering your appearance after they meet you unless you have talked with them for a long time. Certainly, people will not be able to give a useful description of you if they only see you briefly. You must have a Presence of 2 or 3 and a Composure no lower than 2 to take this merit. If either of those Attributes moves outside its assigned range during play, you lose this Merit. This Merit applies solely to your physical appearance. People on the street just do not remember you.

Friend to Spiders (4pt.) This Merit might be more properly called 'Friend to Arthropods,' but if you are a Friend to Spiders, you can speak to all manner of creeping, crawling creatures (when the player makes a Wits+ Enigmas roll, difficulty 7). While the conversation is not as much an exchange of pleasantries as it is a swap of images and impressions, a tremendous amount of information can be gained by speaking with spiders in this fashion. Recent passersby can be noted, changed in the wind (and what they bear) can be uncovered, and other bits of vital information that might otherwise have passed you by can be gleaned from taking the time to speak with eight-legged informants. The number of successes indicates the clarity of the information learned.

Friendly Face (1pt.) You have a face that reminds everyone of someone, to the point where strangers are inclined to be well inclined toward you because of it. The effect does not fade even if you explain the “mistake,” leaving you at -1 difficulty on all appropriate Social-based rolls (yes for Seduction, no for Intimidation, for example) when a stranger is involved. This Merit only functions on a first meeting.

Gifted Liar (3pt.) You are so good at lying that you can sometimes convince yourself that you are telling the absolute truth. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone to catch you in a falsehood; in your own mind, you are not lying. In most cases, no rolls need to be made for you to stand up to questioning or interrogation. Success in a simple Willpower roll (difficulty 7) allows you to negate the effects of magical attempts to detect deception.

Good Judge of Character (2pt.) You have an instinct for reading people. You can make an appraisal of what kind of person someone is after meeting her for a few seconds, based on little more than gut instinct. You are rarely wrong. Decrease the difficulty of any Wits roll based on assessing a person.

Good Listener (1pt.) You are interested in people; you enjoy hearing what they have to say and you are prepared to hear them out without interrupting their opinion with your on. Others can sense this and open to you without really meaning to. The difficulty of all friendly social rolls that involve people talking to your character are reduced by two.

Good Night Vision (2pt.) You spent a lot of time camping. You are just a fisherman who is used to getting up before dawn. For whatever reason, your night vision is excellent. The difficulty of Wits rolls at night is decreased by two.

Good Taste (1pt.) You have a knack for choosing the right food from the menu, telling the right anecdotes, and giving the right presents. You have seen the right films for discussion in cultured company, and you would not know who starred in Dumb and Dumber, let alone have the first clue about the plot. Your taste makes forging social contacts among similar folk much easier, whatever your origins. Lower the difficulty of any Social roll intended to gain acceptance or to impress a like-minded gathering by two.

Gossip (1pt.) You are an incurable gossip, and other gossips recognize a kindred spirit in you. You are more than happy to spend hours chatting casually with others, all the while discussing the minutiae of other people's lives. Surprising how much information you can pick up that way, isn't it? Lower the difficulty of any Interrogation rolls made in a social situation, without bullying or intimidation, by two. Hidden Strength/Stamina (6pt.) You may have an additional dot in either strength or stamina, even if this takes the trait above 5, although you do not necessarily look as though you have the musculature to match.

Hidden Strength/Stamina (6pt.) You may have an additional dot in either strength or stamina, even if this takes the trait above 5, although you do not necessarily look as though you have the musculature to match.

Higher Purpose (1pt.) Your chosen goal drives and directs you in everything. You do not concern yourself with petty matters and casual concerns, because your higher purpose is everything. Though you may sometimes be driven by this purpose and find yourself forced to behave in ways contrary to the needs of personal survival, it can also grant you great personal strength. You gain two extra dice on any non-combat roll that has something to do with this higher purpose. Decide what your higher purpose is, and make sure you discuss it with your Storyteller. You may not take this merit if you have the flaw Driving Goal.

Hollow Leg (1pt.) You can drink like a fish. The amount of alcohol you can put away during a binge is truly phenomenal. What is more aggravating to your friends is how little you suffer for it. Anyone who gets into a drinking contest with you quickly regrets it. Halve any penalties you suffer for consuming alcohol.

Huge Size (4pt.) You are abnormally large, at least 6’10” and 300 pounds in weight (well over two meters tall and over 130 kg (about 286.6 lb.)). You now count as size 7. Characters with this Merit may also gain bonuses to push objects, open barred doors, avoid being knocked down, etc.

Increased Pain Threshold (3pt.) Characters who possess this Merit still feel pain as much as others, it just does not affect them to the same degree. Legends are rife with tales of heroes who fight on, even while mortally wounded, only collapsing into death once the battle is won. In game terms, the dice penalty for each Health Level is reduced by one level. For example, a troll who is Hurt reacts as if Bruised, and is only incapable of action when killed. This does not add extra Health Levels or reduce the severity of the wounds, merely the reaction to the pain each level incurs.

Inner Strength (2pt.) You have the grit of a true survivor. In a crisis, your deep reserve of determination gets you through. Reduce the difficulty of Willpower rolls by two if struggling against overwhelming odds.

Inspiration (4pt.) When you play your instrument, however, you can inspire whatever emotion the song relays. A tender lullaby, when you play it, causes those listening to fall asleep. More rousing tunes get people's bodies moving and they feel the uncontrollable urge to dance. When you play a soulful dirge, your audience weeps. As with the Gift of Pan, only those who fail a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) feel the effects of your music. Your character must be able to play an instrument to use this gift.

Intimidation (3pt.) Something in the way you move or the way your eyes shift over your environment worries people. You have a natural aura of danger that tickles the short-hairs on people's necks. You walk into a room and the crowd goes still. When passing you on the sidewalk, other pedestrians give you a wide berth, sometimes even crossing the street to avoid you. One look is all it takes. Only the bravest, most brash opponent will openly challenge you. This works in your favor, but it is a lonely way to go through life. Of course, this also draws the attention of those hard-asses looking for someone to knock down a few pegs. (You receive a -2 to your difficulty on all rolls related to intimidation.)

Introspection (1pt.) You have keen insight into the ulterior motives of all your actions. Through this nightly exercise, you also have incredible insight into the underlying motives of others’ actions. Add two dice to your Wits dice pool when you must take an action against someone with the same Nature or Demeanor as you.

Invisible (4pt.) Your very nature makes you extremely hard to notice. People just do not notice you. You can walk through a room in bright and garish clothes and not get noticed.

Iron Will (3pt.) You have a tremendous ability to resist outside attempts to take over your mind. You receive three extra dice to resist attempts to manipulate your mind, and may spend a Willpower point to shake off the direct mental control. This Merit works only against direct mental control, not emotional manipulation. Characters with Willpower scores below 6 cannot take this Merit.

Jack-Of-All-Trades (3pt.) You have a little knowledge about a lot of things. If making a roll on a Skill you do not possess, you do not suffer the usual penalty to the roll’s difficulty. You may attempt a roll on a Knowledge that you do not possess, although the difficulty for the roll is raised by 2.

Light Sleeper (2pt.) You can awaken instantly at any sign of trouble or danger, and do so without any sleepiness or hesitation. You can use all your dice ignoring all penalties for being awoken at an inconvenient time.

Lizard Limbs (2pt.) When your limbs are restrained or grappled, you may make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). If you succeed, you may “shed” a limb, leaving it in your opponent’s grasp while you escape. The limbs will regrow in 1 week. If you shed enough limbs, you can escape nearly any bonds, though it is difficult to flee the scene of captivity when one has no legs….

Loud Voice (1pt.) Some animals have voices that carry farther than a normal human. You can project your voice as far as a wolf can howl or to shout as loudly as an elephant can trumpet. This comes in handy, but unfortunately, it also draws attention to you. Not only does your target hear you, so does everyone within a certain radius. The physical landscape can hinder this ability; buildings muffle, hills echo. In open territory, however, your voice carries up to five miles if you have conditioned to do so. (Roll Stamina + Performance, difficulty 6, minus any modifiers for landscape. The number of successes determines how many miles your voice carries. On a botch, you strain your voice and suffer laryngitis for several days equal to your dice pool.)

Lucky (3pt.) You were born lucky — or else the Devil looks after his own. Either way, you may repeat any three failed rolls per story, including botches, but you may try only once per failed roll.

Magic Ability (4/7pt.) You can channel the energies of the Weave and form them to your will. Some use mystical science, some pray to the gods and others channel the force from within. However, you define it, the results are magnificent. The lower cost is only able to channel forces thru your body. Some use this for combat and others to enhance more subtle abilities. The higher cost is for those who wield that magic in the world to cast wondrous spells and perform mystic rituals.

Mechanical Aptitude (1pt.) You are naturally adept with all kinds of mechanical devices. The difficulties of all dice rolls to understand, repair, or operate any mechanical device are reduced by two.

Medium (2pt.) You possess the natural affinity to sense and hear spirits, ghosts, and shades. Though you cannot see them, you can sense them, speak to them, through pleading or cajoling, and draw them to your presence. You may call upon them for aid or advice, but there will always be a price. Also, your difficulty is reduced by two for all Awareness rolls involving the spirits of the dead.

Natural Runner (1pt.) You have enjoyed running ever since you were a kid. Whereas most people wheeze and complain about exercising, running has always been an absolute pleasure to you. As a result, you can run like the wind when the situation demands it. Your Dexterity counts as one point higher than it is for purposes of determining Movement rates.

Occult Library (2pt.) You possess a library of occult materials, of which you are not certain of everything that is found there. This library is an invaluable source for research of all types. The extent of the occult library is dependent on resources (though having the merit at all assumes the character has a room stashed somewhere with an extensive array of material even if the character has no resources).

Perfect Balance (3pt.) Your sense of balance has achieved great heights by constant training or inherited traits. It is very unlikely that you will ever fall during your life. You may trip, but you will always catch yourself before you fully lose your footing or handhold. This merit functions for actions as walking, crossing ice, and climbing mountains. All difficulties involving such feats are reduced by three. It would take a lot to push or shove a character off his feet if he has this merit.

Physically Impressive (2pt.) You appear dangerous both in outward demeanor and in physical bearing, and exude a confidence that impresses opponents. Add one die to all Social rolls that involve intimidation.

Poison Resistance (1pt.) You have, for some reason or another, become resistant to poisons. It could be that you are somehow naturally resistant, or that you have spent years building up your resistance against all known types of poisons. Any time you need to make a soak roll against the effects of a poison or toxin, reduce your difficulty by three.

Psychic Speech (1pt.) You can communicate to any creature in your line of sight thru thought alone. You can read their thoughts if they are directed back to you. You can also sense the general emotion of any individual you are communicating with. Often, individuals with this gift do not or cannot speak.

Precocious (3pt.) You learn quickly. The time for you to pick up a particular Skill is cut in half, as is the experience cost.

Prehensile Tongue (3pt.) Your tongue is another limb, able to reach up to two feet from your mouth to grasp and wield objects. While a Prehensile Tongue does not make for the best of weapons, it still can be used for a poke in the eye or a revolting slap. (Players must make a Stamina roll, difficulty 6, if their characters are touched with a Prehensile Tongue; failure leaves the characters overcome with sheer disgust for a turn.)
Note: For characters to use a prehensile tongue to pick something up or something else along those lines, the player must roll Dexterity + Athletics(difficulty 7). A success means that the character is in full control of his extra limb and need not check again in this scene to see if he can use it. A failure indicates that the specific attempt fails; a botch leaves the protruding tongue hanging disgustingly limp down the character's front.

Puddle (5pt.) With the Puddle you can reduce your form to a flattened pool of goo on the ground, ooze through the smallest of cracks and crannies, and pour yourself into containers that should not be able to hold you – and then assume your proper form, none the worse for wear. This trick is particularly useful for spies, couriers, and assassins. To Puddle, the player must make a Stamina + Athletics roll (difficulty 6). Moving while in Puddle form requires Dexterity+ Athletics (difficulty 7). A botch on either of the last two rolls renders the character an inert quivering mass, easily caught and poured into a container for safekeeping. Failure simply means that the character must try again.

Regeneration (7pt.) Your faerie nature is strong, and as a result you heal much faster than other Fae. For every turn spent resting, you recover one Health Level of Bludgeon damage. Physical wounds can be regenerated at the rate of one Health Level per hour. While in a freehold, your wounds heal at twice this speed.

Robust Health (1pt.) You have the constitution of an ox. You rarely get ill, if ever, and food poisoning is a stranger to you. You do not even get hangovers, you bastard. Reduce the difficulty to resist illness or poisoning - including alcohol poisoning - by two.

Sanctity (2pt.) This Merit is sometimes called the halo effect; everyone considers you pure and innocent, though not necessarily naïve. You have a saint-like quality that is hard to pinpoint but cannot be denied. You are trusted, even if you are not trustworthy. At the Storyteller’s discretion, you tend to receive lesser punishments for wrongdoing, and you are liked by most.

Seldom Sleeps (2pt.) Whether due to a strong constitution, a frenetic nature, or even a hint of ancestral magic in your blood, you require significantly less sleep than the average person. While rest is still required after exertion, sleep is seldom necessary. One hour a night is fine, and even an hour every three days will not make you more than a little bleary-eyed. You are not immune to sleep-causing supernatural effects, and you must still rest (no combat and no efforts requiring rolls) after using taxing rituals, Gifts, etc. You are not always perky, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed, but you suffer no penalties or ill effects from remaining awake for extended periods.

Self-Confident (5pt.) When you spend a point of Willpower to gain an automatic success, your self-confidence may allow you to gain the benefit of that expenditure without losing the Willpower point. When you declare that you are using a point of Willpower and roll for successes, you do not lose the point of Willpower unless you fail. This will also prevent you from botching, but only if you declare you are spending the Willpower point before you roll. This Merit may only be used when you need confidence in your abilities to succeed. You can use it only when the difficulty of your roll is 6 or higher. You may spend Willpower at other times; however, if the difficulty is 5 or less, the Merit will not help you.

Socially Aware (2pt.) Social interplay is an open book to you. You are the first to spot the hidden relationships between people, after only a few minutes of observation. Subtle clues like body language and position, voice tone and choice of words speak volumes to you about the underlying connections between people. Gain two dice on any Wits roll involving interaction between other people.

Speedy Hammer (3pt.) You are a fast and talented worker, even for your kith. When building or repairing something, the difficulty of your craft roll is reduced by one. Additionally, you require one to three fewer successes on any extended rolls when working on any extended rolls when working on large or complex objects. This Merit also reduces the difficulties of all mining rolls by two.

Spike Skin (2pt.) Your skin is covered in 1” long thorns from head to toe over 90% of your body. Any attempt at physical interaction with you risks the other person being injured. All your Brawl attacks have +2 advantage and cause +2 damage. Any attempt to grapple you will result in 4 damage to the opponent and they must make a Wits + Composer test to keep holding you. Each turn the grappler will suffer 2 additional damage.

Spirit Friend (5pt.) The character has a spirit as a companion. This companion may be the spirit of a human, animal or other. The companion can offer advice and often see things you cannot.

Spirit Mentor (3pt.) You have a ghostly companion and guide. The identity and exact powers of this spirit are up to the Storyteller, but it can be called upon in tricky situations for help and guidance.

Spirit Sight (4pt.) You can see and hear all varieties of spirits, Fae, wraiths, and similar entities. This Merit provides all the advantages granted by the Merit Medium. You may call upon them for aid or advice, but there will always be a price. Also, your difficulty is reduced by two for all Awareness rolls involving the spirits of the dead. Nevertheless, this ability is a mixed blessing. Seeing these beings is not a choice (Without also taking Dual perception it is a normal part of your vision. You cannot help but see them. Being yelled at by an irate wraith who is shaking her fist in your face can be extremely distracting if you are attempting to hold a conversation with a Sleeper, and it is even worse if you are driving a carriage in harsh weather!

Supporter (2pt.) You inspire all around you to greater efforts. Whether by speaking, writing, or leading by example, you give anyone who works with you reason to go on and hope of success. You have a –2 difficulty on Social rolls when trying to inspire others, and you give any group effort +1 to its total dice pool.

Surreal Beauty (1pt.) You possess a beauty far beyond that of normal mortals. People admire your perfect form. Characters who take this Merit must first purchase at least a Presence 5 though their appearance is considered to surpass even that.

Time Sense (1pt.) You have an innate sense of time and can estimate the passage of time accurately without using a watch or other mechanical device.

Tough Hide (2,3,4pt.) Your skin is thicker and stronger than most. Whether it is leathery, chitinous, bark-like or stone, the net gain is that it is easier for you to avoid damage. You gain one extra die on your soak Dice Pool per level.

True Love (4pt.) You have discovered, perhaps too late, a true love. He or she is the center of your existence, and inspires you to keep going in a world of darkness and despair. Whenever you suffer, the thought of your true love gives you the strength to persevere. This Merit grants you one automatic success on all Willpower rolls, which can be negated only by a botch die. This can be a great gift but also a hindrance, for your true love may require protection and occasionally rescue.

Tunnel Vision (2pt.) You can see in absolute darkness as though it was daylight; you suffer no vision penalties under such conditions. You can also see better than most in fog, mist, and other situations where visibility is obscured. The difficulties of your Wits rolls are never increased by more than one when vision is obscured by fog or mist.

Underworld Ties (3pt.) You have both influence over and contacts in the local Mafia and organized street gangs. This provides you with limited access to large numbers of 'soldiers,' as well as extensive links to the underworld of crime. The more often you use your ties within the criminal element, the weaker they will grow.

Unflappable (3pt.) You are a naturally placid person and take most things in stride. You were almost struck by a wagon? That was close. Your wife has left you? Ah, well. Although you have emotions as others do, you do not let them affect you to the same degree. You gain two extra dice on any Willpower roll that involves staying calm or not overreacting to mundane experiences.

Untamable (5pt.) You are a wild creature at heart. You are immune to effects which directly take control of your mind, emotions, or actions. Your emotions can be manipulated (by seduction etc.) but you cannot be supernaturally forced to act against your own wishes. Some of the most powerful affects may require a Will roll to resist.

Versatile Sleeper (2pt.) The character does not have to sleep in long stretches. He can by simply napping 10 or 20 minutes at a time get the equivalent of a full night's sleep. Add +5 to the daily total of IP given to the character since they do not waste the time that most do in sleeping.

Venomous Attack (5pt.) Your bite, sting, or claw delivers venom of some sort into a victim when you choose to use it. This may cause considerable damage and death to those so attacked. Whenever you use your venom, you gain 4 venom dice that you roll four times at half-hour intervals over the next two hours of game time, subtracting one die each subsequent time you roll. Each time damage is indicated, it is added to her damage already accrued. See the chart below. The difficulty to inflict damage is a 6, as is the soak roll needed to offset it. Victims of your venom may reduce damage through Stamina soak rolls just as with normal damage unless they are allergic to your specific type of poison (an allergy to bee stings, for example).
Example of Venom Dice:- Immediate (Roll 1 Dice), - ½ Hour (3 dice), - 1 hour (2 dice), - 1 ½ hours (1 die), - 2 hours (no more damage accrued)

Voice of the Songbird (1pt.) All satyrs sing, but not all of them have a voice that charms the apples from the trees. You do. The Gift of Pan carries through your voice and inspires passion without the use of a musical instrument. You have perfect pitch and can sing acapella without missing a single note or going off-key. Even when only speaking, your voice has a seductive quality that attracts people to you. This trait can be especially useful when trying to persuade others or when attempting to win over a potential lover. Whenever you make a Social roll that involves speaking or singing, add 1 to the dice pool.

Way with Words (1pt.) Language is a finely honed tool for you. Not a blunt instrument. You can create exactly the effect you want by choosing your words carefully, in both written and verbal communication. Gain two dice on any Expression roll that involves words.

Winged (4pt.) You have beautiful wings, be they feathered bird's wings or batwings or colored butterfly wings. They are chimerical, but they need to be free, or they will subtract one die from Dexterity rolls. You may have to explain why you have cut slits in all your coats. You may indeed fly for short periods of time.

Wolf Sight (1pt.) In all your forms, you see colors and intensities of light as a wolf does. Your color vision is slightly less distinct than that of humans, though you embrace the full spectrum of colors. Your night vision, however, far surpasses human nocturnal vision. You also notice movement more readily. You gain an extra die to all visually-based Wits rolls that involve movement or take place at night


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