Confederate Navy Organization in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil

Confederate Navy

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Confederate navy revolves around ensuring the security and stability of the Outer Rim Confederacy (ORC). This includes several key objectives:   Defend the Confederacy: The primary goal of the Confederate navy is to defend the ORC against external threats and maintain the sovereignty of its member worlds. This involves protecting trade routes, deterring aggression from hostile powers, and safeguarding the civilian population from piracy and other forms of lawlessness.   Combat Piracy: As part of its mission to uphold law and order, the navy actively engages in counter-piracy operations to eliminate pirate threats and secure vital shipping lanes. Through patrols, escort missions, and reconnaissance operations, the navy works to deter piracy and ensure the safe passage of merchant vessels.   Support Planetary Defense: The navy collaborates closely with planetary defense forces and militias to bolster planetary security and resilience. This includes providing assistance during planetary emergencies, coordinating defense efforts, and enhancing the defensive capabilities of member worlds. By working in tandem with local authorities, the navy aims to protect ORC territories from external threats and provide a robust defense against potential incursions.


ORC Navy Ships and Doctrine

With the Defensive focus of ORC the navy employs a doctrine of area denial, where the intend is to be present to detect any military intrusion while deterring piracy. while if an military intrusion is detected the goal is to lead hostile forces within range of planetary defences. in order to, with combined naval and planetary forces to defeat hostile forces. to this end the ORCN primarily uses 3 types of vessels:
  Patrol ships





Flag Frigate


Military, Navy