Uruditius Character in Stella | World Anvil


Uruditius the Learned

Uruditius the Learned is a deity of little renown, yet grandiose designs. As the patron deity of the secret society known as the 'Order of Enlightenment' and to them he is revered as a deity of teaching and enlightenment, instruction and erudition. While Uruditius has not directly shared his will with his followers, he sometimes takes matters into his own hands to guide them along the path that he has chosen for them.

Divine Appearance

While no public records of Uruditius' appearance exist, diviners that have been in contact with this mysterious deity have described him in two different forms. The first being as a long-bodied serpentine dragon with a coat of golden scales, yet gaunt as if touched by the decay of time. The second is as a gaunt humanoid man with golden orbs for eyes and long wispy white hair.   When in humanoid form, Uruditius is described as wearing scholarly robes and having an ink pen and a book nearby, always ready to record observations or to share observations in written form with those he wishes to share them with.

Draconian Ties

Owing to his first description as a gaunt golden dragon shapeshifting to human form as well as presenting a mutation of the Ouroborous as his holy mark, scholars outside of his clerical circles often draw comparisons between the Uruditius and Adar, the old god of order and creation, who was also said to take on the form of a large serpentine dragon albeit made out of metallic leaves and cogs as well as presenting the basic Ourobourous as his holy mark.   While no direct relation between the two divine entities has been established by these very same scholars, they often conclude that Uruditius must have either been a descendent or a creation of the Lawfather.
Divine Classification
Dimidus (Demigod)
True Neutral