Starfinder: against the aeon throne Against the Aeon Throne Timeline

Against the Aeon Throne

The story thus far in the Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path.

  • Unknown - Unknown
    The Gap
    Era beginning/end

    A period of time with no definite beginning or known length that connects the events of ancient Golarion with the present. No records of any kind exist from this period, and those who were alive when the Gap ended have no memories from the Gap.   During the Gap Golarion disappeared, its fate unknown.

    Additional timelines
  • 317 AG
    Era beginning/end

    The start of the Starfinder RPG setting.

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  • 317 AG

    8 Calistril

    Azlanti Occupation of Nakondis
    Military action

    An Azlanti warship appears in orbit over Nakondis and lays siege to the colony world. A garrison is placed in the middle of Madelon's Landing and several of the colony's leaders, including Cedona, are taken prisoner.

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  • 317 AG

    16 Calistril

    The Heroes Arrive at Nakondis

    The Heroes travel to Nakondis aboard Adjeda, bringing supplies for their old friend Cedona. They are surprised to find Azlanti Orbital Drones in orbit and after a tense battle safely land in the forest west of Madelon's Landing.   While hiking to the colony they save Jellik Fulson from Aeon Guard soldiers and are informed that the colony is occupied and Cedona has been taken prisoner.   They meet Aibretta and join her resistance movement.

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  • 317 AG

    17 Calistril

    Fight the Power!

    The Heroes begin efforts to whittle away at the Azlanti's control of Madelon's Landing. They save the colony's dim-witted quartermaster Rendell Tace from certain doom, clean out a Hobgar trap, restore control of the colony's water, and ambush a particularly bloodthirsty Aeon Guard patrol at the colony's graveyard.

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