Arkanan Geographic Location in Starfinder -- Beyond the Pact Worlds | World Anvil


Far more welcoming than Liavara itself are the planet’s independent moons. The most prominent of these is heavily populated Arkanen, which constantly bleeds off its atmosphere, only to replenish it each year when its eccentric orbit takes it through Liavara’s own upper atmosphere. Extremely dangerous storms arise as huge lightning bolts arc between the two worlds, harnessed by resident scientists and spellcasters alike. This orbit should be impossible according to normal physical models, which leads many to believe that the moon was built specifically as a power source. What the arcane dynamo might have been designed to power remains unknown.


Arkanen constantly bleeds off its atmosphere like a comet, which would normally render the moon uninhabitable, but every year its atmosphere is replenished when its eccentric orbit causes it to pass through the upper layers of Liavara's atmosphere.[1] Spectacular and extremely dangerous storms result, with huge bolts of lightning arching between the two worlds that are harnessed by both scientists and spellcasters.[1] Under the normal understanding of physics such an orbit is impossible, and how or why the moon's orbit came to be is unknown.

Fauna & Flora

Arkanen is heavily populated and home to two native intelligent species: the dirindi and sazarons. Its annual orbital phenomenon is also a major draw for researchers and arcanists of all species across the Pact Worlds system.   Cosmopolitan Arkanen, prominent among Liavara’s many moons, prides itself on being home to one of the most learned and urban populations in the Pact Worlds. Arkanen home to two sapient species with a deeply intertwined history: dirindis and sazarons. The two species co-govern their world and work on most major enterprises collaboratively. Dirindis provide creativity, optimism, and ideas, while the scholarly sazarons make sure projects stay on schedule and on budget. The two species get along well, complementing each other’s strengths and respecting each other’s differences   Dirindis are stout humanoids with three eyes and an affinity for humor and electricity. They greet each other with friendly zaps of electricity and outrageous retellings of recent adventures, and visitors to Arkanen are unlikely to avoid some enthusiastic zapping from the locals.   Sazarons are large creatures with a lower body similar to an iguanodon, with two thick hind legs and two leaner front legs. Generally measuring 15 feet long and weighing 900 pounds, sazarons have long tails tipped with a large knob of bone that they can wield offensively. Starting at the saurian shoulders, the sazaron’s body transitions into the torso of a large humanoid. Their incredibly thick skin gives them electricity resistance, which is helpful in the weeks that their moon plunges into the electrically charged atmosphere of Liavara—and also insulates them from dirindis’ electric greetings.
Planetoid / Moon
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