Vibrowhip Item in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil


posted by Chris on August 03, 2013
Model: Prime Security VW-100 Lashmaster
Type: Vibrowhip
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Combat
Cost: 500 Creds
Availability: 3, R (Specialized item, Restricted and therefore requires a license if not outright illegal on some worlds)
Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: 3D
Game Notes:

Unlike a regular whip, a vibrowhip cannot ‘grapple’, instead it will cut through what it wraps around (albeit slowly, which could count as torture and a potential Dark Side point!).


If the user rolls a 1 on the wild die, they must immediately roll their Dodge or Dexterity ( no, martial arts does not help ) to avoid hitting themselves. If they fail, they suffer the damage from their own weapon. If they critically fail, they suffer the whip damage and an additional 2D of shock damage (resisted by 1/2 their Strength, round down) as the weapon shorts out in their hand.


If the failure is a “non-critical failure”, the vibrowhip may coil around something other than the intended target. This is determined using the “missed grenade throw direction chart” by the Game Master.


Minerals and other material that are normally or naturally resistant to energy weapons, such as how Mandalorian Iron, durasteel, or a personal shield can deflect a lightfoil or saber blade, will likewise protect in the same way against a vibrowhip.


Finally, because this weapon requires such intense amount of practice and training, character points may NOT by used with this skill roll.


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