Thispy Ethnicity in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Thispy (This-pea)

This culture is derived from the initial writeup for the Thisspiasian people in Star Wars by Lucasfilm/Disney. BUT! It is not at all the same. I took great big sweeping liberties to try and make my own culture here for the Thisspiasians. One to fit this setting.
The Thispy are the predominant culture on Thisspias for the Thisspiasian species. They encompass the central landmass and are what most outsiders across the galaxy think of when they refer to a 'Thisspiasian'.  
These people possess a long history, rich with philosophy and ancient traditions. Beliefs which are firmly rooted in a warrior culture thousand of generations old. At the heart of that culture lies an ancient way of thinking; a philosophy they call the Way of Scale. It is a code of behavior and self-discipline for the Thisspiasian way of life.

Passion In Defiance and Discipline

This philosophy allows them to keep their powerful emotions and deep passions under check. Through regular meditation, they soothe those feelings, which leaves their minds clear and focused on the task at hand. For the Thisspiasians, the Way of Scale isn’t just a philosophy, it’s a healthy prescription for life.
So, to outsiders, this species appears to remain calm in even the worst situations. Almost as if they have a “Jedi-like” calm with the chaos of the universe. This is only possible if a Thisspiasian follows a routine of meditation, contemplation, and thought. For some, this is traditional quiet meditation; others find this calm state of mind through reading, sculpting, or even music.
Without that meditation, Thisspiasians are prone to terrific bouts of rage; something not unlike a Wookiee blood-rage. But unlike Wookiees, Thisspiasians do not take pride in this anger. They see it as a loss of control, and consider if a personal failing if it happens.
This ‘Way of Scale’ enabled the Thisspiasians to survive bombardment and persecution during the height of the Galactic Empire under the reign of the evil Emperor Palpatine.


Greetings Friends and the Not So Friendly

One remarkable bit of etiquette that is common across all Thisspiasian cultures is the greeting. The common belief is that the greeting has its origins rooted in the distant past, when there were thousands of warring tribes on Thisspias. It was at the bloodiest point of their history, before they discovered the philosophy, the Way of Scale.
The greeting takes many forms depending on the Thisspiasian culture. For Thispy Thisspiasians, there is the greeting for a potential ally, which includes friends and family, and the greeting for an enemy.
A friendly greeting to someone they’ve not met, or what a Thispy would consider a ‘not-enemy’, a Thispy will offer to clasp hands using one of the hands from an upper arm. This is a sign of strength for the Thispy. Along with that, they will offer one of their favorite recipes that include the best live prey, dipping sauce, and vegetable side dish. This is one of the few times that a Thispy Thisspiasian shows unrestrained emotion with a broad grin.
But they are careful not to bare their barbed, backwards facing teeth. That’s not for a potential friend.
A greeting for an enemy is much different. Here, a Thispy can display emotion and some often do. It’s a cold, chilling emotion, if any. There is little verbal conversation if any, as a Thispy or any Thisspiasian culture, prefers to talk with actions and fighting skill, not words when they greet an enemy.
Chief among these would be the bow. A Thispy treats any enemy or opponent with respect, no matter if they are a sparring partner or a true enemy. Before they engage in any fight, a Thispy will bow to their opponent with their top two arms crossed over their chest and their lower two arms held across their waist. During this bow, a Thispy will display a thin smile that shows their double row of barbed teeth.
The only time a Thispy will not bow to an enemy is if the enemy is dishonorable. For example, Thispy Thisspiasians never bow to slavers. To a Thispy, a slaver is the lowest form of life.


Most Thisspiasians prefer clothing to cover their humanoid upper half, and the Thispy are no exception. This isn’t so much from physical modesty, as it is from convenience and safety.
Thisspiasian hide is tough, but it isn’t blade or blaster-proof. Neither is it a solid defence against burns or intense cold. So they do wear robes, shirts, armor and vests that cover their upper, humanoid, half. The various Thisspiasian cultures take great pride in the designs that are woven into these robes, vests, and so on. For Thispy Thisspiasian, they prefer natural designs of vines, thorn knotwork, and other symbology.
The other purpose behind Thisspiasian clothing is practicality. Pockets. As technology advanced, devices and tools became smaller and a hard working native of Thisspias needed a place to put those devices. Each culture has their own preferred style, and the Thispy Thisspiasian are no different.
Thispy Thisspiasians delight in the style and cut of the traditional “spacer’s vest” with its multitude of pockets along the front. They often either manufacture this style of vest, then adorn it with various designs inspired by the wildlife of Thisspias.


Interestingly, Thisspiasians are quite particular and sensitive about their food. On one hand, they cook vegetables in many recipes and dishes. But they prefer their meat fresh and still alive.
A Thisspiasians feast is quite the affair. It’s a time of social gatherings, with all manner of braised or grilled vegetables dusted with an array of seasonings. The seasonings are never spicy, but are light or delicate to complement the main course.
These dishes are arranged on a table around cages of living creatures such as live birds, rodents, or large insects. The Thisspias Drop Beetles are considered a special delicacy.
As the meal progresses, they dip the animals in seasoned dipping sauces while still alive. After which, a Thisspiasian will unhinge their lower jaw and swallow the animal whole.
Thisspiasians enjoy their meals, but they also understand this style of eating is unnerving to non-Thisspiasians across the galaxy. So they reserve their usual method of eating for when they are among other Thisspiasians, or among close friends they trust.
When out among the greater galaxy, Thisspiasians can and do eat cooked food. It doesn’t cause them any biological trouble. But for Thisspiasians, cooked meat seems to lack a certain “zest” in flavor that they can only taste with live prey.

A Thisspiasian by Lucasfilm and Fantasy Flight Games
Encompassed species
Related Locations

Naming Traditions

Thisspiasian given names are short, simple and often melodic. Often they are composed of two similar sounding syllables. Surnames vary and depend on region and culture they were raised in on Thisspias.
  Unlike some species, there is no difference made for a 'masculine' or 'feminine' name for a Thispy Thisspiasian.  
First Names
Kipo, Vivul, Gimon, Tora, Mailune, Yulne
Kovur, Raysser, Brinloru, Dorina, Bolmuri

Government and Major Organizations

Thisspiasian government is a constitutional monarchy with the monarch as the Chief of State. Parliament and the regional governors of Thisspias regions or colonies performs the daily law keeping and governing.
The monarchy itself is a hereditary position, called the Brood Monarch. There have been many dynasties over the generations, but in the current day, they often view the Brood Monarch and their royal family as archaic and out of touch. The royals respond and try to update their views and attitudes, but this doesn’t happen regularly.
Currently, the Thisspiasian government is a member in good standing of the Alliance of Worlds.


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