Fes-hava Species in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil


The Fes-hava are a vibrant reptilian species native to Yavin IV and also on the distant world of Dantooine. A tribal people, they have a rich culture and history with traditions that date back hundreds of generations. They are not often seen beyond their two worlds but because of their space faring past, they are no stranger other cultures from other parts of the galaxy.

Physical Appearance and Features

Fes-hava stand at 1.5 to 2 meters tall with a lean, muscular humanoid build. They have tough, pliable, yet smooth scales in shades of blue or green that provide both natural armor and a level of camouflage.
They possess elongated reptilian faces with an iguana-like snout. Large, expressive eyes of gold or amber have dark slit-like pupils evolved to adjust in different light conditions. Curved horns grow from their forehead and curl around over where a human’s ears would be. The front of these horns form an eyebrow ridge over their eyes, which gives them distinct, if not stern, appearance.
125 years
Average Height
1.5 to 2 meters tall
Average Weight
160 lbs
Geographic Distribution
In addition to those features, the Fes-hava have long, powerful tails that help with balance or used to trip opponents in combat. Sharp brown chitin claws on both hands and feet assist in climbing or in close-quarters combat.
Fes-hava are reptiles but they do exhibit a strong degree of sexual-dimorphism. But the difference lies in the scale colors. Males possess the vibrant and colorful scales, in the ancient past this was for attracting mates but now are used to trace family bloodlines. Scales on a female Fes-hava are more subdued, having a natural coloration that allows them to blend in better with their surroundings.
One special physical ability allows the Fes-hava is an ability to use echolocation while in the wild. They do this through sub-vocalization. A Fes-hava has the ability to sub-vocalize croaks in a low tone.
The sound is so low that it falls outside the hearing register of most species. As the sound moves around the speaker, they feel the vibrations return to them as it bounces off nearby objects and creatures. To date, the only other species that can detect these sub-vocalizations are Togrutan, and for them it feels or sounds like a faint whisper.

Culture And Society

The Fes-hava are known for their friendly and welcoming nature. Nothing shows this more than an ancient Fes-hava saying of “Strangers are family you haven’t met.” This stems from their belief that all species in the galaxy are connected. Not in the metaphysical sense but through a common ancestor and region of space.
But that doesn’t mean they are naive. The Fes-hava were once a space-fairing people. Conquerers that ruled systems with a bloody fist. They remember that dark past with stories and song to prevent making that mistake again.
Once they left their violent past behind, the Fes-hava chose a simpler path. The path of peace and nature. Today, they have a deep understanding of herbal medicine. Using natural ingredients, they create teas, compresses, and other treatments to help the body heal itself. They have gained a small reputation as skilled healers, with their healing practices. Miraculous cures that rival bacta in their effectiveness.
Their culture is largely agrarian. While they are familiar with advanced technology, they prefer to use it only when necessary. This allows them to maintain a better balance with nature and the environment around them.

Common Clothing and Style

The Fes-hava prefer colorful clothing that features feather or leaf patterns. Tunics wrap around to tie off at the hip and sleeves are slightly loose and are wrapped at their forearms. All trousers wrap around and tie at the waist to accommodate their reptilian features, such as a tail, but also allow ease of movement.
This type of clothing is especially helpful in the jungles or forests the Fes-hava call home. It helps manage the temperature extremes of their environment but not restrict their movements while hunting or tending crops.


Despite having a tribal society, the Fes-hava have a central government system. Fes-hava tribes are governed by a ruling council called the “Assembly”. This is a representative council comparable to a senate. Each tribe is allowed to send one representative to act as their voice in the council.
Representatives are ‘elected’ every five years through a test called the Iron Path. Any adult member of a tribe is allowed to take this test, or what the Fes-hava call ‘Following the Path’.
The Iron Path is a 50 mile obstacle course that must be completed in 24 hours. This course contains both physical and mental challenges to test a candidate’s metal ability and physical stamina. Challengers who complete the course in the shortest time are ‘elected’. If there is a tie, those candidates re-take the test to break the tie.
Once all representatives are elected, the Assembly then votes on the five person council that act as arbitrators and administrators of the Assembly. This smaller council is called the Elders, or the Elder Five.


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