Episode 3.07: Chapter 3: Introduction in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Episode 3.07: Chapter 3: Introduction

Chapter 3: Trust and Consequences

  The aircars streaked through the airspace and skirted the edge of Old Duras Sector before settling down in Ole Town. As the aircars settled to the landing zone, a Duros doctor with a medical team rushes out to meet them. Aerena, So'zen and the rest of the wounded are offloaded and taken to Grakor's private medical center on his estate.   Grakor accompanies the rest to check in with his major domo before checking in on the recovering Sector Ranger, Andan Jouric, and the young nautolan boy, Pek. Along the way, he warns his security to be wary of problems. While this latest match was a win, there were complications that might put an end to agreements with the Gamesman or other interested Hutt Kajidics.   Meanwhile, the crowd is still cheering and reeling over the battle royal that took place in the Gamesman's arena. The atmosphere is alive with the electricity of excitement, even as a needle-like trio of interceptors from the Bureau of Ships and Services flashes across the sky in pursuit of a light freighter that dangerously crossed the Gamesman's airspace.   In the Gamesman's personal viewing box, a different sort of electricity is in the air. Not excitement but of tension as the Gamesman awaits an answer to his question to the disguised Danar Vorpadran...


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