Corellia Geographic Location in Star Wars: Galaxy Without Hope | World Anvil


Corellia was located in the Corellian sector in the Core Worlds. It had a temperate climate and was covered in forests, jungles, and urban centers. One major city was Coronet City (also the planet's capital), which was home to shipyards used to build TIE fighters and Star Destroyers for the Galactic Empire.   The planet's human inhabitants were called Corellians and were known for their wanderlust. Besides humans, Corellia was also inhabited by several alien species including Barbadelans, Besalisks, Czerialans, Grindalids, Kel Dor, Pa'lowicks, Rodians, Sullustans, Twi'leks, and Ugor. In addition, Corellia was also home to several native creatures including Corellian hounds and fleek eels.


Early history

An ancient Core World, Corellia was the homeworld of natives known for their wanderlust. In the time before they explored the stars, Corellians embarked on ocean voyages to satisfy that wanderlust, traversing the seas to discover new continents and catch vast quantities of fish. After the advent of space travel, Corellian royalty sponsored exploration and colonization efforts that helped expand galactic civilization by furthering the frontiers of the Old Republic in its youth. Corellian colonists settled on thousands of worlds, and its hyperspace scouts paved many of the galaxy's major hyperspace routes, making Corellia an important planet in the Galactic Republic.   The planet became known through the galaxy for the Corellian people's wanderlust and its massive shipyards. Eventually, the ancient Corellian royalty, which included Prince-Admiral Jonashe Solo, faded away and the throne stood vacant for many years.In the millennia leading up to the Imperial Era, Corellia's key role in the expansion of galactic civilization decreased and power shifted to younger, more vibrant planets. The once influential world gained a reputation as a polluted planet with extensive poverty and crime. With its importance in galactic affairs reduced, Corellia was nonetheless recognized for its historic significance.  

Age of the Empire

When the Galactic Empire came to power, Corellia's shipyards were transformed into Imperial facilities, and though Corellia was a faded industrial world, it was used to build TIE fighters and Star Destroyers for the Imperial Navy. Many impoverished Corellian commoners sought to escape their homeworld for a better life. By 13 BBY, the Corellian Security Forces including its emigration officers had become an extension of the Imperial security forces on Corellia.   Several crime syndicates including Lady Proxima's White Worms operated in the coastal Coronet City. The White Worms used local street urchins called scrumrats as vermin-catchers, pick-pockets, errand runners, and crime operatives. Two notable scrumrats were Han and Qi'ra who sought to escape the White Worms and Corellia by going offworld.   After escaping the Den of the White Worms, Han and Qi'ra tried to escape through Coronet Spaceport by bribing an emigration officer. However, Qi'ra was recaptured and sold to Sarkin Enneb. Han managed to travel offworld and join the Carida Academy as an Imperial cadet with the hopes of becoming a pilot. Due to his insubordination, however, Solo was reassigned to the Imperial Army and became a Swamp trooper on Mimban. Meanwhile, Qi'ra became the chief lieutenant to Dryden Vos in the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate.   Around ten years before the Battle of Yavin, an organization known as the Corellian Resistance operated on the planet, fighting against the Empire. One of their members, Miru Nadrinakar, attempted to warn them of an upcoming crackdown.
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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