Techno-remnants Ethnicity in Star Tiger | World Anvil


The cyborg fugitives from the failed The Techno-Corps Uprising ten years ago.
Homeless and unwanted they stick together for support, but never too many are gathered in one spot, lest they should get too much attention.


Shared customary codes and values

As a subculture entirely of former military personel, a lot of military customs have remained as their jargon and mannerisms.

Average technological level

Twenty years ago, these soldiers were stacked with the most impressive military tech money could buy.
Twelve years ago when the uprising happened, one of the grievances was the lack of updates to their tech.
Nowadays they are forced to fix and retrofit their failing cybernetics with whatever they can find or scavenge.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Though twelve years have passed, no births have been observed amongst the remnants.
A common rumour is that none of them have their organic genitals left anyway, but the facts is simply that the remnants know better than to bring a child into their world.
I does however happen that a mysterious child ends up on the doorstep of an orphanage once in a while

Funerary and Memorial customs

To the remnants death is a very close friend. They have all lost countless friends and life since has been hard, driving even more to madness or into seeking a quick end to their suffering existance.
As one of the remnants die, the others carefully take the cybernetics they can use themselves from the corpse, while treating the organic corpse carefully and respectable, before burning it to ashes.
As most remnants aren't registrated anywhere they won't be missed by anyone other than their comrades.


Beauty Ideals

If you've got grim battle scars to show with long stories of were they came from, you have something in common with every techno-remnant out there.

Major organizations

The techno-remnants used to belong to the TCF - Terran Combined Forces, which now is no more.
The survivors are too spread to organize, and to scared of the repercussions if they do, as even a small group of them scares or angers the people around them.
Related Locations
I made this world because my mind keeps rambling, and instead of stopping it, I'm riding the wave.
It started with a picture in my mind of a tiger man in a small spacecraft following a giant tiger in space, in the tone of old saturday morning cartoons and the Heavy Metal animated movie.
Then came the idea of his occational ally, a woman in space flying a small asteroid. The more I wrote on her, the more I got intrigued by the past, I deviced.
Right now the flow is focused on her background - namely all related to The Genesis Project.
I do all of the writing and almost all of the drawing myself at this point.
My hope for Star Tiger is a published story or a graphical novel, but my big dream is an animated show.

Cover image: Star Tiger Logo #1 by Hassel