Slime Species in Star System Epsylon | World Anvil
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Sticky Companions

A generally docile species, slimes are known for the ooze they secrete, which forms the basis of most Maginetic serums, and their ability to eat almost anything. However, they do not eat for sustenance, that's what the consume water for. More often than not, they eat other things to use magic. Slimes have a unique ability to tap into an object's hidden potential, and unleash it in a short burst. Some examples include turning a battery into electrical attacks, charcoal into flame attacks, and seeds into plant attacks. Slimes also have a keen sense of other's emotions, to the point where they can sense a person's intent or inner turmoil.   Because of these abilities, many people have tried to tame them, and use them as familiars in combat or daily life. However, it is not so simple as that. Slimes are very picky about the people they bond with; a trainer does not choose their slime, their slime chooses them. Once that bond occurs, however, nothing short of death can dent it. Some slimes become so bonded with their trainers that they can combine with and shift their body parts around, most commonly their arms. This combination can increase the potency of a slime's attacks, as well as increase control over the element being used.   The list of known attacks that slimes can use, as well as the items needed to use them, is as follows:  
  • Charcoal: Fire
  • Battery: Electricity
  • Ice cube: Ice and Water
  • Scrap metal: Metal
  • Seeds and Plants: Plant
  • Common rock: Earth
  • Trillicite: Raw Energy
  It is theorized that there are several more possibilities that are undocumented.

Basic Information


Slimes are amorphous masses of ooze with eyes, and have full control over their body shape. They are generally green, but can change their color depending on what elemental attack they are able to use.

Genetics and Reproduction

Slimes reproduce asexually by consuming an amount of water roughly equal to their current body mass and splitting like a cell.

Ecology and Habitats

Slimes can live just about anywhere there is water, as that is their main form of sustenance. If a slime does not have access to at least 2 gallons of water a day, it will dehydrate.

Additional Information


Slimes are used as partners by slime trainers, who work with them to bring out their full potential. Trainers who have a strong bond with their slimes can combine with them, allowing them to shift their arm into a gelatinous weapon that can amplify the powers of whatever the slime has eaten even further.

Facial characteristics

Slimes have two black eyes, which they use to perceive the world. They have no mouth, but absorb water and items by engulfing them and breaking them down withing their transparent bodies.

Average Intelligence

Slimes are about as smart as cats, and are just as curious, albeit significantly less hostile.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Slimes can see the full light spectrum, in addition to sensing energy and emotions. They also have hearing akin to that of a bats, although how this is possible without ears is still being studied.
Average Height
3 ft.
Average Weight
4 - 5 lbs.

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