SFC Session 1: John Hunting Report in Spooky Earth | World Anvil
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SFC Session 1: John Hunting

General Summary

Jan. 30, 1995
  The coterie prepared for a surprise meeting from the city's Sheriff, flirting and feeding on the locals at the Scarlet Starlounge as the night started getting underway. Ace showed up a little after 8 with a picture of a Malkavian by the name of John, asking the coterie to do some searching around for the kindred in return for a minor boon.   It didn't take long for the coterie to get to work, Samantha driving out to her favorite diner to meet up with some contacts while the rest of the group drove out to Coit Tower to search among the Malkavians that congregated around the Mage consilium. They started piecing together information about John, learning that the Camarilla liaison to the mages had banned him from the area for stalking a newly awakened mage. The coterie's Malkavian managed to get in touch with John through the Cobweb, and with a messy critical convinced him to leave town in a hurry. John was encouraged to head north towards Seattle, but the coterie would tell Ace that he'd be headed east towards Vegas.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Margaret - a lucky human who spent an hour with Samantha
  • Ace Andrews - Sheriff of San Francisco
  • Eddie - the semi-reliable bartender of the Scarlet Starlounge
  • Suzie - Owner of a cute southern diner in downtown San Francisco
  • Leland - Samantha's contact who knows things
  • John Blood - a Malkavian who likes to run around Coit Tower
  • Colleen Nightjoy - a Malkavian and chief liaison between the city's Camarilla and mage Consilium
  • John - a paranoid Malkavian
Report Date
14 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Coterie Members


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