S40-007: We're Safe, the Watchtower Isn't Report in Spooky Earth | World Anvil
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S40-007: We're Safe, the Watchtower Isn't

General Summary


Mission Date: 12/2/1993
Mission Goal: Agents from the Odd Couple force were tasked with defending the Scranton Reality Anchor located in western Nevada, partly as punishment for working behind the Foundation's back during a mission in Salt Lake City. Given the frequent staffing shortfalls during the holiday season, supporting agents like Chad and Nicole volunteered to help with the site's watch rotation.  
  Summary: Late in the evening on Thursday, Dec. 2, Agents Eva and Nicole were distracted by a reporter interviewing visitors to the park where the Scranton Reality Anchor resides about a string of recent UFO sightings in the area. The two agents managed to defuse the situation, but back at the watchtower an unknown individual sneaked past the site's security and disable the Anchor's reality-stabilizing devices. Less than an hour later strange flashing lights were spotted in the sky above the site's Anchor, described as 'Trippy-looking fireworks, dude' by Agent Chad Stephenson.    The flashing lights turned out to be an the head of an object crashing through the earth's atmosphere, and several agents went down to the shores of Pyramid Lake to investigate the area where the object landed. Coherent reports managed to be collected from the agents, indicating that the object in question was a giant monster with 'bat-like wings and and a Jurassic Park-looking face, dude' according to Agent Chad. The monster killed a number of indviduals when it landed, perhaps the same individuals who disabled the Anchor's reality-stabilizing features. But the monster appeared considerably slower from its rough landing on Earth, giving the agents time to escape from the site and drive to the nearest SCP safehouse in Reno.    The Scranton Reality Anchor was not as fortunate, having been destroyed by the monster on its rampage through the mountains. Costs for repairing the Anchor will be obscene, another financial matter that Director Peña will have to bring up with the O-5 Council at the New Year's conference in Vegas. Lacking the funds needed to administer proper amnestics to these agents and evict them from the Foundation, they will be reassigned to other departments where their financial impact will be less severe: Agents Aimee and Eva will assist Stephanie Baker in her experiments with SCP S40-B, meanwhile Agents Chad and Nicole will undero rigorous training with Chad Dae-Hyun so they can go back out into the field and contain the threat posed by this rampaging monster.

Rewards Granted

  • In an attempt to ameliorate any concerns about their new assignment, Agent Aimee Daly was given family photos recovered from her home that disappeared several years ago. Any information regarding the site where these photos were discovered will be withheld from Agent Daly pending further improvements in their work performance. 
Report Date
11 Jul 2022
Agents Involved


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