S40-006B: New Friends, Hard Goodbyes Report in Spooky Earth | World Anvil
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S40-006B: New Friends, Hard Goodbyes

General Summary

Excerpt From Monique Cruz's Journal, Retrieved by Agent Lee Kramer, 11/24/93:   "Heather and the others have spent nearly an hour inside that arcade, I hope they find the entity down there without any issue. I don't want them injured, but my friends insist that this entity can't fall into greedy American hands. I'll do what has to be done to rescue this entity from the greed and corruption of this place."


Mission Date: 11/23/1993 - 11/24/1993
Mission Goal: To retrieve SCP-2273from a secure government facility in ██████████, New Mexico.
Incidents: Agent Danforth experienced minor electrical burns from SCP S40-C; Agent Donovan suffered a gunshot wound inflicted by civilian Monique Cruz; Civilian Cruz was shot and killed by Agent Davis.
  Summary: The Mc40's, as the only availabe unit prior to the Thanksgiving holiday season, were tasked with the retrieval and containment of SCP-2273 as American officials proved incapable of taking care of the entity long-term. Another group appeared to have a similar idea of retrieval right before the holidays, tampering with the city's power system through electromagnetic pulses to disable the facility's security systems and distract the local military forces. At least one American agent was killed when SCP S40-C short-circuited during one of the EMP waves, but the Mc40's managed to rescue a government agent by the name of Julia Rothman. (Addendum from Director Simon Peña: SCP agents located within the US government are encouraged to foster amiable relationships with Ms. Rothman, assisting her rise up the ranks of the ███ so long as she remains sympathetic towards SCP causes).   SCP-2273 proved nonhostile during the incident, communicating in Russian with Agent Davis and agreeing to peacefully follow the Mc40's back to Site 40. The only other casualty was a civilian by the name of Monique Cruz, who had survived a previous encounter with the Mc40's but was promptly executed by Agent Davis after threatening members of the team at gunpoint. Records indicate that increased surveillance was requested on Ms. Cruz and her family following the incidents in Grand Junction, but no surveillance was ever performed by Site 40's staff in the intervening two months.   According to testimony from Agents Donovan and Kramer, Ms. Cruz made mention of delivering SCP-2273 to an unknown third party to free it from so-called 'greedy American influence'. Further investigation into this third party is required, therefore a mandatory overtime order is in effect for the rest of the year as Site 40's surveillance staff works to idenity this group of interest. Agents are advised to review reports from Aspen to identity any similarities between the group interested in obtaining SCP S40-B and the group that attempted to take SCP-2273.

Report Date
20 Jun 2022
Agents Involved


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