Dragon Species in Spirit of the Age | World Anvil


The history of dragons from the perspective of the civilized races begins 70 years ago, when 4 mighty dragons flew north over Kraken’s Domain and landed on mountaintops of their choosing, ready to wreak havoc on the orders of human, dwarf, orc and halfling alike. These 4 dragons, a Great White, a Great Red, a Great Bronze, and a Great Black established their own realms on each of the newly christened Wyrmpeaks. Though the catalyst for the flight northwards is known to none, all four were motivated by a desire to rob and subjugate. While the dragons have no allies (beyond tenuous relationships with eachother), from the mountains claimed by the dragons spew forth small monsters like bipedal dragons. These dragonspawn, nicknamed “kobolds” seem to serve their masters unquestioningly, and enforce the dragon’s will. Whether the dragons somehow spawn these kobolds, brought them with them on their flight, or if the kobolds were always there in hiding is not known.   Despite the dragons’ general scorn for diplomacy and regular statecraft, they have avoided landing in territory controlled by one of the great empires of the world, such as Voranth, Exodus, or Runber.   The Great White went the furthest north, claiming a mountain to the east of the dwarven realm of Kilth and deposing the local rulers. With a general programme of carting off everything of value to his vaults and sending forth his minions to spread chaos and bloodshed among his neighbors, the Great White dragon triggered a massive refugee wave and indirectly led to the kingdom of Kilth being split in half.   To the relief of absolutely everyone, the Great White died in 505 (Year of the Prophet, Nuwan Calendar). His son has ruled for the last 7 years, and the son seems more interested in being a somewhat normal ruler, though whether this is because of genuine preference or because he realizes he is (for now) far smaller and weaker than his father in his day is unknown.   The Great Red went east, but never landed as far as Voranth. Though the inland nomads are isolated from most other realms as a rule, Marching Hordes that have been in the area report that the red dragon has subjugated a number of nomadic tribes under its rule. However, out of the four, the red dragon has had the least influence on global affairs.   The Great Bronze landed on the tallest peak on the continent, Mount Aktar. Regrettably for them, this mountain was part of a Thaner dwarven realm, which the dragon got to work destroying. The most powerful realm destroyed by the dragons, Aktar dwarves have fled to the neighboring Yunthal realms and even as far as Runber to the north. While other Thaner kingdoms still persist, fighting dragon minions has significantly weakened them. The loss of Aktar manifested further afield as metal and mineral shortages as supply chains from the dwarven realm dried up. Harder to replace may have been the lost Shaftbuilder lore, as Thaner kings claim continuity to the lost civilization from 6000 years ago.   The Great Black had the shortest flight, landing on a mountain range north of Kraken’s Domain. From there, the dragon descended on the marshes and jungles and destroyed the realms of the lizardfolk there, most of whom fled west.   The Great White is known to have had children, and it is speculated the other 3 might as well, or they might have brought other, lesser dragons with them. However, if these creatures do exist, their existence is a guarded secret.
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