Drow Glossary Language in Spire | World Anvil
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Drow Glossary

A list of common Drow words and phrases, as well as some non-Drow words that are commonly used in Spire for the sake of completeness.  


A low-denomination nail-like coin, used for trading among the lower classes of Spire.

Mesyé – Mr, or Sir

A formal title for male drow.

Maji – Mrs, or Madam

A formal title for female drow.


Genderless term for a superior, also used as a formal third-person plural pronoun.


Archaic term for aelfir.


Archaic term for human.


“Curse,” an archaic term used to refer to drow sensitivity to light.


Family, community, or neighbourhood.


A close friend or ally of the drow that is not themselves drow. Generally used for those who participate in drow religious ceremonies but who aren’t of the race.


A “silvered person;” a priest or priestess of the drow goddess known as Our Glorious Lady.


The old, or “proper” term for the Drow moon goddess that encompasses all her forms – the light side of the moon, Our Glorious Lady, or Limyé; the dark side of the moon, Our Hidden Mistress, or Lombra; and the blood-red eclipse moon, Our Crimson Vigil, or Lekolé. Some drow view the forms of the moon as sister-goddesses rather than separate parts of a whole, which has lead to a number of brutal holy wars – many of which are still ongoing in the Home Nations.


The drow goddess of community, healing and survival. Worship of Limyé in her form as Our Glorious Lady is tolerated by the council of Spire, and indeed encouraged when done so in conjunction with due deference to the Solar Pantheon.


The drow goddess of fury, swift reprisals and destruction. Veneration of Lekolé is forbidden by the council of Spire, but small pockets of worshippers exist.


The drow goddess of secrecy, grace and power, worshipped by The Ministry of Our Hidden Mistress – the leaders of the resistance. Veneration of Lombra is forbidden by the council of Spire on pain of execution.

L’od Nansan

The Order of Blood, part of the active sects of the church of Our Glorious Lady, who pride themselves on healing, diplomacy and historical accuracy. Staunch traditionalists.

L’od Limyé-Ajan

The Order of Silver Light, a sect of the church of Our Glorious Lady that offers support and protection to drow communities. The clergy of this sect carry moonsilver staves which they can use to channel their faith into brilliant, glowing white energy. They possess a reputation for hot-headedness and inconsistency.


“The Goddess’ Heart,” a popular oath. Reference to myth where the goddess plucked out her heart to make the world come alive.


“The Goddess’ Arse,” a popular profanity. Used to describe something of tremendous quality or value.


Archaic insult for the aelfir meaning, literally: “people who have icicles/ice-caves for genitals.”


Coin from human lands, also known as “darna”, “darnari” and “queens”, which forms the primary trading currency throughout the known world.

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