The Prividea Conglomerate Organization in Spheres of the Gods | World Anvil
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The Prividea Conglomerate


The Prividea Conglomerate is one of 5 groups that are considered one of The Greater Guilds, and holds a seat on The Board. They operate primarily in the industries of agriculture and food distribution, partaking in endeavours ranging from mass fishing on Calidor, the construction and operation of agricultural colonies and space stations, and the transformation of Flock corrupted lands into potential new food production zones, as well as their new attempts at creating agricultural planets through terraforming with the pilot project on Oria. Their company logo is a rising sun over wheat fields, in very minimalistic detail and style.



The Prividea Conglomerate was the first of the megacorporations to rise up in The Dark Ages. They formed on Bastion, where food shortages were quickly becoming a crisis of survival for the entire planet. Using and abusing the people's desperation, Prividea was able to monopolize the entire food market, forcing people to work for low wages or for their food, while charging exhorbitantly high prices, while blaming the state of the world and making themselves appear heroic by occasionally reducing prices or running short-lived and very exclusive food drives.


When the The Saikar Coalition - S.A.C rose to power, they saw this control over the food market as a point of great leverage over the people, and quickly signed Prividea on with a series of contracts that gave them freedom to run as they saw fit, with the only controlling factor that they had to serve and operate as part of the S.A.C.



  • Auron Klarr - CEO and The Board Representative
  • Simone - HR and Public Relations Officer


  • Prividea Head Office - Vigilance Space Port
  • The Talon Isthmus - Agricultural Project
  • Oria - The Oria Project
Corporation, Agriculture
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by ipicgr


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