Wight Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Wights are advanced forms of undead based upon zombies, but granted a necromantic intelligence. Greater care is taken to weave the dark magic that animates them into their flesh, resulting in less decay and rot. Their tireless nature makes them well-suited for drudgery or menial work, as well as for wielding heavy armaments in battle.   Wights are sapient, but are usually created with little motivation of their own. Depending on the state of the body, wights might inherit quirks, memories or opinions from the perosn the ywere made from, though the wight is distinctively its own entity. Necromancers who prefer their minions to be pliable therefor often attempt to "scrup" the brain clean before animating the wight, occasionally removing the organ entirely just to be sure.   When sent to battle, Wights are often equipped with heavy gunpowder weaponry, serving as walking artillery. Their great strength and inability to feel exhastion allows them to use these weapons with impunity, while usually carrying plenty of extra ammunition.

Basic Information


Wights look much like they did in life, though with obvious signs of their post-mortem status, including pallid flesh, bloating from gas and occasional gaping wounds.

Ecology and Habitats

Wights can be found anywhere where necromancy is sufficietly advanced.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wights do not eat

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Wights are used by necromancers for heavy manual labour. In more modern times, their great strength and inability to feel exhaustion has seen them equipped with weapons that would be impractical for the average human to wield.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wights are uncommon, but found whereever necromancy is practised.

Average Intelligence

Wight are sapient and are slightly above average than an ordinary human in regards to memorisation, observation, problem solving and so on. They are, however, socially dull, communicating in a droning tone with short, clipped sentences.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The magic that animates the wight mingles with their remaining sensory organs in order to allow them to perceive the world. Notably, their eyes are shielded by magic, protecting them from being blinded.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Wight are usually given nameso r designations by their creator, but some end up choosing their own.
Scientific Name
Sapiens Cadaver
Wights do not age
Average Height
Varies depending on original species, but the average wight is somewhere in the 1.2 to 2.4 meter range.
Average Weight
Varies depending on original species, but the average wight weighs somewhere between 25 to 225 kilo
Average Length
Varies depending on original species, but the average wight is somewhere in the 1.2 to 2.4 meter range.
Average Physique
Wights are incredibly strong, tough and quick. All aspects of their bodies have been fortified by necromantic magic, allowing them to lug around and use heavy weaponry with ease.


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