Unicorn Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Unicorns are magical equines, renowned for their beauty, benevolence and big egoes. While their opinions of themselves might be a tad bit inflated, their kindness for others is well known and many a disaster has been mitigated by the timely intervention of a unicorn. They are seen as symbols of purity and protection, due to their inherent magical powers.   Most unicorns live nomadically on the great plains, but some do settle alongside other species. They may sometimes deign to let other races ride them, the better to combine their skills.   Unicorns are less aggressive than others, but will fight if provoked, using their horn to gore enemies. They supplement physical attacks with magical trickery, blinding enemies with light or sabotaging them with telekinesis. For all the symbolism of purity, it can not be understated just how dirty unicorns fight when pushed.

Basic Information


Unicorns have a quadrapedal bodyplan, walking on four legs that all end in hooves. Their body is distinctively equine, strong enough to bear a rider or two. They are covered in a fine coat of hair, the colour of which varies drastically between sub-species, which reflects light and usually as a result seem a bit glittery. A spiralling horn on their forehead acts as a focus for their magic, with which they can create blinding lights, heal others and manipulate small objects. Unicorns are highly magical in inherently protected from magic, a protection they share with nearby allies. This protection hardens into a physical shield should the unicorn be gravely wounded.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unicorns reproduce through sexual intercourse. The female will carry the foal in her womb for three to four season before giving birth. Almost all unicorn births a single children.

Growth Rate & Stages

Unicorn foals can walk minutes after being born. Their minds mature over the course of the next year and they can usually speak after the first year. They then continue to grow in size over the years, being considered adults at 14-15 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Unicorns are native to the open plains, where the well-developed senses can keep them safe. They eat a variety of plants and the passage of their herds helps keep the planes open.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Unicorns are herbivores, with a preference for vegetables and fruit. They can subsist on grass, but most find it unforfilling.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Unicorns traditonally live in herds, which is usually lead by the wisest of them. How exactly this is defined depends on the herd itself.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Unicorn horn can be grounded into powder that has considerable healing properties. Unicorn horns do regrow, if slowly, but they lose access to much of their inherent magic in the meantime and are very unlikely to forgive or forget. Harvesting horns from dead unicorns is controversial in some areas, though some herds do sell them themselves.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Unicorns are a common species and are found in many spheres.

Average Intelligence

Unicorns are sapient. They are known to be very proud, with a high opinion of their own insight and knowledge. They are also highly empathic and with a great deal of care for others. This can sometimes lead to behaviour that can best be termed condescending concern, where unicorns will attempt to impose what they think is for the best on others.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyes of a unicorn are enhanced with magic, allowing them to see in the dark. Being set wide, they also have near 360 vision. Their hearing is quite excelent. As part of the inherent healing magic, they can sense the general well-being of others.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Unicorn names tend to lean towards themes of light and glory.
Scientific Name
Unum Cornu
120 years
Average Height
1.5-1.7 meters
Average Weight
280-330 kilo
Average Length
2.2-2.5 meters

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