Scion Flight Tradition / Ritual in Spheres | World Anvil
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Scion Flight

The Scion Flight is the ritualized sendoff for the roc scions of Rishinile who attempt the last step to fully become rocs. At the culmination of the party, they will attempt to cross a vast distance of ocean and desert to reach the world heart. Even getting their is rife with danger and the bones of many aspirants have been found in the most desolate of places. And should they make it, only a select few are worthy enough to ascend, the rest incinerated by the world heart's divine fire.   Those who do ascend become rocs, body, heart and soul. Some return to Rishinile, sometimes only to deliver news of their ascension, whereas others lose all interest in their former community. The Rishine people do not mind, for such are the ways of the rocs.


The beginning of the Scion Flight can be traced back to before the War of Broken Chains, was the humans of Rishinile were inducted in the worship of Sabiralsahra's world heart by their jinn masters. After the rebellion, the Rishine people were also granted their freedom and home, but they kept much of their culture. The worship of the world heart expanded into the worship of the rocs, who were seen as embodiments of the world heart.   This worship became intensified by the roc scions, who wished to themselves become rocs. Through meditation, rituals and sheer desire, they became able to take on avian traits, though no scion ever managed to become a roc.   In 2245 AIT, the then leader of the roc scions, Mukarram al-Ramin, had a revelation in his old age. The rocs were born of the world heart, so a scion must be reborn through the world heart to become a roc. Using is feather dress, he set off to fly to the world heart itself. Many cycles later, a roc landed on Rishinile, claiming to be Mukarram reborn. He said that his rebirth had enlightened him and he told his followers that only those who truly embody the values of the rocs will survive to be reborn. Having passed on his knowledge, he set off.   From this, the Scion Flight ritual came about. A mixture of celebration and funeral, as those roc scions who wish to risk their lives to be reborn say their goodbyes before flying off towards the world heart.


The ritual is held on top of one of Rishinile's great towers. Traditionally, one of the leaders of the roc scions leads the assembled participants in a collective prayer to the rocs and the world heart, with a focus on them accepting their new scions, or they are are found unworthy, to grant them a peaceful death.   Afterwards, a great feast is held to celebrate the bravery of the candidates. Music is played, sky dances are performed and everyone has a grand time.   Then comes the farewell, a more somber affair where each scion says their goodbyes, first to their loved ones and then to their community as a whole. And then as one, they take off towards the world heart. Attendants wait in silence until all scions fade from view. And this point, the Scion Flight is concluded.

Components and tools

The food served is of the best that Rishinile can offer, as anything less would not do. All scions who wish to take flight must also wear their feather dress.


The leaders of the roc scions are always present. Should one of them also be among those who will set out, this is the time where they officially hand over their position to their successor.


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