Basilisk Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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The basilisks as a species owe their inception to the Mist. In the ancient past, their ancestors, a venomous reptile, were exposed to Mist and were mutated by the arcane powers in it. How exactly this happened is unknown. Some speculate reckless mages or perhaps it happened as part of some experiment. Others think the basilisk's ancestors might have wandered into the Mist or maybe managed to survive the collapse of a sphere.   Whatever the cause, the effects were notable. Basilisks increased considerably in size and powers, growing their two extra sets of legs in he process. Their scales became as stone, hardening into thick plates. Their venom suffused their entire body, becoming a deadly paralytic poison now present in all of their body fluids, from their spit to their blood. The Mist was partially infused into their lungs, granting them the ability to breathe out clouds of dense fog, allowing them to obscure the area. Some basilisks mutated even further, growing feathered wings and sharpened talons on the rearmost legs. These basilisks are called cockatrices, gaining the ability to fly in exchange for less armor scales. And lastly, the mutation caused them to attain sapience.   With these newfound skills and powers, basilisks became supreme predators. They have little to fear from most other beings, as actually fighting them is bound to backfire. Should one even be able to cut through their defenses, they'd quickly find that the blood spurting from the basilisk's body is as dangerous as their bite, paralyzing what it doesn't kill, leaving them at the mercy of the overgrown lizards.    Basilisks tend towards placid and patient personalities, which suit their ambushing lifestyle perfectly. They wait for opportunities, but strike decisively when they present themselves. They can be surprisingly charming and deceptive when actually engaged in conversation. Cockatrices tend to be more active and social, flying about and engaging much more with the other locals.

Basic Information


Basilisks are large, heavy-set reptiles with four sets of legs. They are covered it thick scales, usually of a green coloration. Their long tail is covered in spikes. In the cockatrice sub-species, many of the scales have elongated into feathers. The first pair of legs serves as wings, with the last pair having grown longer to serve as primary legs. The two remaining pairs have shrunk somewhat, now serving to enhance their grip or manipulate objects. They also lack the spikes on the tail. All have extremely flexible joints, allowing them to get into smaller spaces than one would think possible. Their own natural toxins purifies their body, making them immune to poisons.

Genetics and Reproduction

A basilisk's, and the cockatrice subspecies, eggs are fertilized internally and then deposited via the cloaca. They usually lay 1-3 eggs. These gestate for 230-290 cycles, usually kept safe in a den or a nest. When the babies are born, they can already move and perform basic functions.

Growth Rate & Stages

Baby basilisks and cockatrices are mobile and born with their senses functional. They are still relatively small and rely on their parents to teach them the way of the world. Basilisks and cockatrice young usually live with their mother for eight to twelve years before moving out on their own.

Ecology and Habitats

The exact ecology varies between sub-species, but in general they prefer woodland or grassland areas to dwell in, with some preferring rockier highland environments. They have a clear preference for warmer climates. As apex predators, they keep the population of just about everything else in check.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Basilisks and cockatrices are carnivores. Basilisks tends towards ambush tactics, using a mixture of camouflage, trickery and traps to surprise prey and deliver a fatal dose of their toxins. Cockatrices are much more mobile, scouting and pursuing prey until they find the opportune moment to swoop in to quickly take them down.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Basilisks and the cockatrice sub-species are loners, only sticking together for family reasons. They're also territorial, but rarely lay claim to overly large areas. Basilisks and cockatrices who wish to socialise meet at the borders of their territory to exchange news or stories, occasionally trading interesting things. They also tolerate sharing their territory with some species, especially if they don't feel that their supply of food is being threatened.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Basilisks and cockatrices can be found in a number of spheres, though certain sub-species may be more localized.

Average Intelligence

Both basilisks and cockatrices as about as smart as your average person. Their instincts do remain strong though and they do not have much in the way of what many would call society, so they don't always react in a way most people would call rationally.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyes of the basilisk is charged with magic, allowing them them to see clearly with even the slightest amount of light available.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Basilisk are cockatrice names are ungendered. They don't have family names either. They do tend towards guttural sounds when composing names.

Average Technological Level

On their own, not very high. Due to their inherent strengths and advantages, combined with a generally placid personality, basilisks don't have much drive to create new things. The exception is in the making of snares and traps, for which they show some creative aptitude.
Scientific Name
Lapis Lacerti
120-140 years
Average Height
1.0-1.3 meters
Average Weight
450-510 kilo
Average Length
2.0-2.3 meters

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