Warriors Bonfire Tradition / Ritual in Spellbound | World Anvil
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Warriors Bonfire

Written by TheSpectator

Warriors Bonfire is a Tabletop Role-Playing game, where you make a character, a legend if you will, and the objective is to gain as much fame and glory as possible, and then try and perform an impossible task and most likely die, and be remembered throughout the ages. The The Dorks have another version of the game, that is simpler, but less fun, and less detailed.     Your character can either be a fighter, a wizard, or a hunter. Each of those classes pick your characters base statistics, along with the race that the player picks. And players move their pieces around the board, collecting encounter tokens, which could be enemies or quests. when the fight or quest is completed, the player gains glory. And when the player gets a certain amount of glory, the really big quest starts, it could be anything, from taking out a bandit leader to killing a dragon. Usually, the player dies at this point, and their character will be remembered forever, in the game of course. If the player finishes the big quest, then they will have beaten the game and can play again, with the same character, and same stats, but their weapons are lost, and they have to start from scratch. The required glory limit is increased as well, making it hard mode.


The game was prototyped around 345, but was a full game in 373. The rules changed a bit through out that time, and expansions were released for the game several times. More pieces came out, and so on.

Components and tools

Wooden, sometimes metal, carved miniatures, that look like warriors, wizards, and hunters, or goblins. Along with a huge board. The best and biggest board is 4 feet wide, and 10 feet long, just to make it feel more open. On the board are squares, and tokens, and miniature trees, rocks, pits, etc. The game also has cards, showing the equipment of each character.


Everyone loves to play Warriors Bonfire, but only a few have actually beaten the game. There is a player and a game master. The game master does all the moves for the bad guys and can pick which big quest is used in a game.


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