Kedeshi Species in Special Agent | World Anvil


Basic Information


The kedeshis is a species that has an extremely massive and heavy body to allow them to move heavy loads, this being necessary in their environment. They are equipped with two large arms which having six fingers, an equal number of these fingers are placed on either side of the ends of their arms to better grip the items they grap. Their head is covered with a kind of crest which starts which begins at the base of the neck serving as protection for their hearing aid. This one captures the ultrasounds of their congener and of themselves sent by their vocal cords in their mouth which allow them to communicate as well as to do echolocation.

The opening of the mouth is protected by a kind of pliers. As for the lower body, their four legs are attached to it, they all form an angle towards the middle of their body. The end of these legs serve as huge sensors for them to feel the vibrations of the ground, a tail with quills at the end ending their lower body. The whole being covered with a thick grayish skin to better camouflage themselves in their environment with insulating properties which protects them from temperatures which can be cold.

Genetics and Reproduction

This species is viviparous, that is to say that the young develop in the body of the mother before reaching maturity and being expelled from it at birth. The sexual organs are found for the female towards the end of her abdomen and for the male, at the base of her tail. After fertilization, the gestation of the baby takes about eleven months before the baby is expelled from the mother's body during childbirth.

Growth Rate & Stages

The childhood of young kedeshis lasts from birth until the age of nine, adolescence from ten to seventeen, and kedeshis are considered adults from the age of eighteen. Their natural lifespan is around thirty-two years, but technology has allowed them to reach a lifespan of around one hundred and thirty-seven years. However, the slight technological delay of the kedeshis prevents them from further increasing it.

Ecology and Habitats

The natural habitat of kedeshis are caves and caverns near deep hot springs that flowed from the base of the mountains of their homeworld. Indeed, to protect themselves from very cold temperatures, bad weather and to obtain liquid fresh water, this species quietly migrates underground.

Dietary Needs and Habits

In their natural state, the diet of kedeshis consists mainly of medium-sized animals originating from the caves of their home planet and small insects. Obviously, this diet evolved during their transition to the civilizational stage to become more omnivorous by including plants such as lichens growing on the walls of caves and caverns. However, their diet is still predominantly carnivorous today because of their history.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Even if the structure of the lower social strata is quite egalitarian, with a guaranteed income and major wealth redistribution policies having been put in place to calm the population after the civil war, this is not the case for all of society. Indeed, there is still a great disparity between the Church of Katho, which still owns a substantial part of the country's wealth, having not been the target of social programs which were aimed rather at the wealthiest individuals, and the rest of the population. The organization receives donations from the faithful of all the kingdom and it is also subsidized by the state since it is intrinsically linked to it. The members of this one possessing in fact a very great social prestige and a more or less comfortable pension, whether they are small neighborhood priests or members of the Holy Council.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most of the kedeshis living in the galaxy are found within the borders of the Holy Kingdom of Katho since it is its planets that are best suited for their species. Some kedeshis live on planets outside of the Kingdom, but these are mainly diplomatic personnel in embassies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The kedeshis are known in the galaxy to be completely blind, these relying only on the ultrasounds and the vibrations of the ground which they detect thanks to their ears specially adapted for this purpose, their feet are responsible for feeling the vibrations of the ground. ground. This peculiarity may seem like a disadvantage, but sight is not essential for kedeshis since their other senses are hyper-developed. The ultrasounds they give off allow them to obtain a vision, although imperfect, of the obstacles that come their way. Despite all this, it is true that kedeshis have more difficulty evolving in a very open environment, such as very flat reliefs, but most of the time they have technological tools to assist them, which makes them as efficient as most. some change. Given their size, however, their agility is a handicapping point that is impossible to ignore.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The kedeshis have a particular communication, it is a mixture of the vibrations of their crest and their vocal cords located in their mouth. Although it may vary between ethnicities, their first names are usually found to be a sound coming from their mouth and their last name, a vibration of their particular crest.

Major Organizations

The major organization of this species is the Holy Kingdom of Katho whose capital is the planet of adoption of the kedeshis, this organizations is the result of the expansion of kedeshis in the galaxy since the discovery of the wormhole network and their flight from their home planet . It is this organization that represents and defends the kedeshi interests within the galaxy. Unfortunately, this entity is not powerful enough to really have a real impact on galactic geopolitics. It is also under the majority influence of the Federal Republic and to a lesser extent under the influence of the Onatach Empire.

Average Technological Level

The kedeshis is approximately on the same technological level as most other entities in the galaxy, but the religious hold has long stifled technological progress. This has led to the fact that they have a lesser mastery of genetic engineering, nano-robotics and especially artificial intelligence. Indeed, artificial intelligence within the Holy Kingdom of Katho are much less developed because of religious authorities who have never looked favorably on this technology. All the same, technological development has taken place which has made it possible to increase life expectancy, facilitate space transport and many other benefits for the population as well as the economy.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The three most important languages within the Kedeshi population are Kratano, Kipra and Strefa, Strefra being the most widespread, these three languages also being the official languages of the Holy Kingdom of Katho. Other languages are obviously present, but they are the ones that are used in the public sector and by the government.


Hailing from an unknown planet north of the current known territory of the Holy Kingdom of Katho, kedeshis were originally the dominant predators of their home planet and lived on the surface. It is a drop-in volcanic activity bringing less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and therefore drastically lowering temperatures that will disturb the kedeshis, forcing them to migrate towards the immense network of caves on their planet. Over time, most species will follow the same path, allowing kedeshis to continue to hunt prey. However, with temperatures falling further, the kedeshis who cooperate the most to dig deeper will quietly prevail.

All this will make them develop intelligence and sentience when the first kedeshi groups will begin to colonize ancient magmatic chambers where hot springs flow. The proximity to magma and minerals with deposits in quantity will make them quickly develop the mastery of fire as well as metallurgy. It is also at this time that they will begin to cultivate lichen which grows on the walls of the magma chambers, introducing them to agriculture. Also, their curiosity will also make them slowly return to the surface where they will find that the temperatures have returned to a normal level. However, even if this discovery will mark a timid reconquest of the surface, most of the population will remain underground.

Following this, their history followed a normal course with the discovery of more and more technologies, the development of complex societies, kingdoms and later countries. This will abruptly stop when they will have to leave their planet because of the discovery of a comet rushing towards them. This major event will force them to create a world government to manage the crisis, an evacuation is then decided and succeeds in evacuating a large part of the population thanks to the construction of several ship-generations equipped with a preliminary version of the Star Drive. Once established on Goz, they will gradually expand into their new home system with the complete mastery of the Star Drive and in the galaxy following the construction of their first gate a little bit later.
Scientific Name
Mamalus Kedesh
Average Height
2.8 - 3.1 meters
Average Weight
350 - 370 kg
Average Length
1.2 - 1.6 meters
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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