Yutiki Species in Spacial Tangent | World Anvil


Yutiki have a unique outlook: individualistic without being anarchic, and somehow unable (or perhaps unwilling) to grasp the concept of permanent governance. They understand and enjoy teamwork, and naturally follow a qualified leader to undertake large projects such as the building of domiciles, but once that task has been completed, the leader doesn’t continue to hold sway over the others. Coupled with their unusual life cycle, it would seem as if Yutiki would be very difficult to rule. But such is not exactly the case.   When Threshyk warships first appeared in the sky, Yutiki were more than happy to get out of the invaders’ way—not out of fear, but more because of their innate desire to help. Yutiki instinctively recognized the superior strength and felt they could best aid the empire by simply not being in the same location as its soldiers. In this way, Yutiki believed the Threshyk could quickly achieve their goals and move on. They didn’t understand the Threshyk’s aim was to subdue their world. Since Threshyk’s code of honor forbade them from shooting the cheerfully acquiescent Yutiki in the back, the invaders were confused and infuriated by the situation.   Today, Yutiki often serve in clerical positions that allow them to aid as many people as possible. They have fully embraced technology and enjoy the many sights the galaxy has to offer. Those who employ Yutiki quickly learn to give them missions that have open-ended parameters, as a Yutiki who feels she has completed a task won’t necessarily report back to a superior for further instructions if she finds someone else who needs her help first. Outsiders often find them cheerfully manic, noting a goblin-like flair for the ridiculous but none of that race’s innate malice.   Though Yutiki are mammals, they begin life in something akin to a larval stage. A Yutiki whelp looks like a miniature version of an adult, but with more prominent ears and a tiny, secondary mouth on its abdomen. Once born, whelps are left to fend for themselves.   They are truly omnivorous, capable of digesting fruits, leaves, raw meat, and seeds. Additionally, a whelp’s secondary mouth allows it to attach itself to large prey and feed at its leisure. Thanks to a numbing mucus secreted by this mouth, less intelligent animals rarely even notice the whelp’s samplings. A swarm of Yutiki whelps has been known to bring down a trundling bovine monoux in a matter of minutes.   After 6 years, whelps mature into adult Yutiki , begin to walk upright, and lose their secondary mouths, but they maintain their taste for anything remotely edible.
Average Height
3 feet
Average Weight
35 lb


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