Auroral System Technology / Science in Spaces of the Heart Universe | World Anvil
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Auroral System

The Auroral System is a natural part of a species that is mostly used to do magic. It is a natural part of fairies but an unnatural part of humans. Due to the explosion of Papiliosidus, the circulatory system of a human that got infected by a shard will be able to do magic, hence why only selected people were invited to Dracanimus academy.   There are other species with the auroral system out there but it may be unexplored other than   The auroral may or may not be a vital system, the loss of the system however may feel a loss of a limb if it is naturally part of a species like the fairies. The more developed the system albeit corrupted or enlightened, the more devastating it may be it may also lose emotions attached.   There are also other species with a circulatory system so they are also able to unlock magic if they encounter or survive a magical spell. It is something like radiation and can be somewhat harmful to non-natural auroral systems and the body it is attached to if not used properly.


It is used for Magic (System)
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It is somewhat uncommon among living species, it depends on what they were modelled after. Those modelled after Cores and First Borns have an auroral system.
There are some things unwritten or unexplained, mainly for auroral systems that are corrupted or reached complete enlightenment which causes said body to become fluid-like or disappear entirely respectively. But most auroral system can be explained in Fairy biology.
It is discovered and named by historical fairy scientist Corbin Leocore

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