Blue Dot Geographic Location in Space Western | World Anvil

Blue Dot

Blue Dot is a remote commune on the very outskirts of Sovereign Space. Blue Dot was founded by utopian and optimistic minded academics, who sought a free place far from the influences of the Colonial Earth Empire. It was founded primarily as a research station. However, those stations were quickly dismantled with the onset of the Age of Silence. Their stations were repurposed for survival, and the people of Blue Dot hunkered down for the long run. Their communities developed around the massive floating structures called Sitches. They regularly traded with one another and existed in a peaceful state.   When the Union ambassadors arrived, with gifts of medicine from Beacon and casket ships full of fruit, vegetables, coffee and wine from Cradle, Blue Dot quickly agreed, as a planet, to negotiate with the Union as a potential member system.   Blue Dot then agreed to the terms of the Union's administrators and negotiators, and came under the influence of Union governance. Their relationship with the Union is copacetic, bolstered by regular trade, cultural exchange and shared research. The planet is still sparsley populated, and based araound the sitches. They see regular traffic of Union Far-Field Teams who are traveling further on, into Far Space  Blue Dot provides an incredible amount of Medi-Gel not only to the Union, but the greater Mid Rim as well. They do this almost exclusively in the Sitches, who grow them in deep pressure labs.


Blue Dot is more than 90% covered in the vast ocean that spans the planet. Most of these oceans are varied greatly in their depth, ecosystems and geography. The deepest are small "blue holes" where the depth drops off to thousands of meters. These holes are directly connected to geothermal vents, used to power most of the planet's sitches.   Small islands scatter the surface of the planet, and so do local small communities that live closely with the land. The Sitches continually to stay mostly hands off from these entities, instead living out on the ocean on floating campuses. Many of these campuses double as universities, and most industry or production happens either in the orbital station above, or another world.    Coral reefs fill the oceans, forming great barrier chains that are thought to be connected to a deeper natural global environment. The locals state that the coral migrates, and can think for itself. These great migrations of coral follow the changing of the seasons between the sunny and the monsoon.


The flora and fauna of Blue Dot is massive, both in quantity and diversity. Massive pods of reefbacks, who are entire microcosoms of their own, float through the oceans dictate a great amount of the migratory patterns that define the planet. Early arrivals to the planet joked that "the seasons follow the reefbacks, not the other way around".   Glowing bioluminescence is prevelant on this planet, and every night is a symphony of light and color in each cove and ocean on the planet. The Sitches are careful not to interfere with the local ecologies, and instead are keen to watch from afar.
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