Vaucurese - Species Species in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Vaucurese - Species

The Vaucurese are a sentient species native to the planet Vaucury.


Vaucurese are a bipedal species with a very hunched-over posture, with them only straightening up when they are alarmed or shocked. When fully stood up they stand on average between four and five feet, with a straight-forward leaning posture.   They have two long skinny digitigrade legs and another set of shorter skinny arms. They have four digits on their hands and three digits on their feet with a dewclaw. They also have long muscular tails to act as a counterbalance for their forward slumped gate.   They have forward-facing heads with the spot where the spine meets the skull being further back than it is on humans making it hard for them to look up, but gives them more flexibility in their necks. Their face is made up of a set of dark beady eyes, a pair of feathery antennae, and a long narrow jaw with sharp beaky teeth that are covered by lips when the mouth is closed. They have narrow nostrils on their face as well as along their necks to the top of their shoulders. They have internal ears with small holes on either towards the back of their head to allow sound to reach the ear drum, their ear canals are protected by longer tufts of fur.   They are covered in fluffy feathers, with a longer thicker ruff of feathers along the back of their head and neck as well as occasionally along their tails. They come in a variety of colors ranging from orangy browns and beiges to bluish greys and whites. The females have small pouches on their stomachs which are used when they have children.   The Vaucurese reproductive system and process are a bit different from other species. They give birth to a neonate, a small underdeveloped offspring, which cannot survive on its own. The neonate then is moved -or crawls- into the small pouch on the mother's stomach where it develops further until it is big enough to survive outside the pouch. The baby then leaves the pouch and continues to develop their motor and social skills. Twins and multiple births are nearly unheard of and often times only one baby can fit in the pouch for full development, with the second having to be removed and placed in an artificial pouch.

Other Traits

The Vaucurese have a penchant for collecting shiny and sparkly items and objects.   The Vaucurese have longer lifespans to humans, living to be around 200-400 years old on average.
For more info about their related culture see: Vaucurese - ethnicity
Planet of Origin


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