Thunese - Ethnicity Ethnicity in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Thunese - Ethnicity

Thunese are the people that are from or decent from Thunus, specifically the Thunese species.



For more info see: Thunese Traditional Fashion   Thunese fashion trends tend to value body coverage and a rectangular or bell-shaped silhouette. These trends are most commonly seen in traditional Thunese clothing, which is often worn for formal events but can still be seen in some more modern fashion styles.   More modern fashion tends to have influence from other planets and trends from across the galactic coalition.


The architecture is a dazzling hodgepodge of many different styles from sleek and elegant-looking skyscrapers to sharp and angular buildings and landmarks. A popular shape seems to be a three-sided triangle or cone that has been stretched with slightly rounded sides making it resemble a building as well as saving space.   Many of these buildings are apartments and penthouses which provide the population with housing, as well as offices and multi-floor shopping and leisure centers. In the outskirts of cities in the suburbs, there may be more large single houses as well as fancy resorts and vacation centers.

Food & Meals

Thunese food has lots of seafood and vegetables. Fruits are also used but are used in more sweet-tasting foods. Lots of spices are used in Thunese cuisine and the food tends to taste very citricy, spicy, and fishy.

Notable dishes include

Jarklin Fish - fish or other seafood cooked in an acidic sauce with lots of spices
Thunese Dumplings
- dumplings made from dough, boiled or fried, and then served in a sour-citrusy sauce. May include meat or seafood as well as vegetables in the dough mixture.
Seafood Fritters - spiced seafood dipped in batter and deep-fried


Naming System

Thunse parents tend to name their children with similar names so that siblings tend to share at least one syllable of their name or the same first letter/sound.   Surnames are very important and are passed down from parent to child, with it being most common for the Father to be the one to pass down their name. More modernly, hyphenation of surnames is becoming more and more common, especially in less prominent families where sure names don’t mean much.   Surname Examples: Sandar

Coming of Age & Youth Day

For more information see: Thunese Coming of Age & Youth Day   Traditionally, coming of age was very important in Thunese society and involves a big party with lots of family and food and partying. The ceremony may not be celebrated by all due to costs but there is a public holiday that celebrates all the youth, especially those that have come of age that year and many people still hold small coming-of-age parties on the day.


For more information see: Thunese Weddings   The Thunese have a traditional way of going about marriage from the selection of the spouse and courting to the ceremony often with lots of pomp and circumstance. Modernly this isn't followed word for word but the ceremonies are still followed loosely for tradition's sake with many people still involving their parents when it comes to finding and selecting a potential spouse.   Once a couple is married, they may wear traditional thunese wedding bracelets as a symbol of their marriage.
Planet of Origin 
Related Species 
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